HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 22. 2011 10:07

Recommend : 0

ok, i don't know it might just be me, but i rarely see UK CVs.

i seem to be compeltely out guned and other done y every other nation so far. maybe it's just cause i'm a CV1 and using TB
every game i just seem to get DBed long before i even get my planes half way across the map and thats with loading 3 planes to each pilot.

also my fighters just seem to be unable to do anything, against the fighetrs of other nations, all mypilots are Elites with VETs and Experts.

should i just give up?


  • Re : Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 24. 2011 14:51

Locals are the other Level 40 Fighters you get. they're short range (very short range, run out of fuel quickly), but they do a lot of damage.

when I was using the attacker cv in blitz, I had 3 Tb pilots, plus two Fighter pilots. you keep two fighters (locals) ready on deck at all times then use your TBs to attack targets.

once you master the art of using TBs (fyi, IJN ships have the weakest auto AA defense of the bunch), then you just keep at it.

once you hit level 70, they start to ignore auto AA and you don't get shot down as often when doing torp runs on BBs.

you can also get into using DBs if you wish. some players prefer them.

oh, and in blitz, most importantly, learn to watch what's happening around you using the mini-map. so you don't get overrun by some DD coming at you. and not getting caught up in your bombing runs that you miss any bombers or such coming at you.

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