HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Olive Attendance Final Revision

    01. 09. 2012 20:35


*crosspost from News and Updates*

Dear fans of NF,

Please disregard the previously mentioned notification  as we have made some final changes to the new Olive Attendance Event System.

The new system is quite simple. In essence, you will receive 1 Olive for each successful attendance date registered on the Attendance Event Calendar page. There will not be any consecutive day bonus or any random rates.

This means that there are now up to 5 more Olives possible to earn each month.  If you miss a date, you are not penalized; you simply miss the 1 Olive for that day. You can still continue to receive an Olive the next day for example.

The changes aim to make the system simpler and less stressful in response to feedback received from players. We hope this notice will help prepare you for the launch of the new system on 1/19/2012  at 00:00 PST.

Thank you,

TeamNF Mk2


  • Re : Olive Attendance Final Revision

    01. 10. 2012 18:55

Should just add a captcha to the login like a few sites do, then register the attendance automatically. I seriously dont get the free olives cause i dont have the mental power to go click the little button every day. Its my fault for that, but it would be nice. I do like the new way though.

  • Re : Olive Attendance Final Revision

    01. 11. 2012 20:43

they made the right move here this time xD

  • Re : Olive Attendance Final Revision

    01. 17. 2012 02:49

Hi, Could someone answer this question Please as I will have 19 consecutive days on the 19th. Will I loose my 9 extra days or not?

Originally Posted by Thanayat

How do you deal with the consecutive days we have already checked before 19th, do they apply for the "one day one olive" rules or they just fail and we will need to receive the olives before 19th?

By the way, I personally prefer the random rules(we are playing a game, random does sound fun) but a steady reward is still OK.


  • Re : Olive Attendance Final Revision

    01. 19. 2012 00:11

Originally Posted by Abbydog

Hi, Could someone answer this question Please as I will have 19 consecutive days on the 19th. Will I loose my 9 extra days or not?

Originally Posted by Thanayat

How do you deal with the consecutive days we have already checked before 19th, do they apply for the "one day one olive" rules or they just fail and we will need to receive the olives before 19th?

By the way, I personally prefer the random rules(we are playing a game, random does sound fun) but a steady reward is still OK.


I think we lost the last 18 days. What is worse, the next week is already flagged as "received" - without any olives gotten.

Thanks a lot, SDE.

What you should have done is to give people one olive for each day attended in January.

  • Re : Olive Attendance Final Revision

    01. 19. 2012 04:59

.... I KNEW I shouldve redeemed Olives, but no.... I had hopes thatd those attendences wouldve transfered to olives today. And since NO one responded to the question, now I lost 10 olvies I could have....

  • Re : Olive Attendance Final Revision

    01. 19. 2012 05:47

Originally Posted by Emperor_Kai

.... I KNEW I shouldve redeemed Olives, but no.... I had hopes thatd those attendences wouldve transfered to olives today. And since NO one responded to the question, now I lost 10 olvies I could have....

Just the same here! Why didn't anyone feel responsible for answering a simple question?

  • Re : Olive Attendance Final Revision

    01. 19. 2012 06:19


Read the comments after the update and new olive system and the locking of the olive lost whine thread.

This is going to be the new crying over lost coins thread. Lol

SDE should reimburse the COINS LOST because they never read the Notice and it was SDE's fault, since they posted the notice a few hours before the server update and most of the cry babies were sleeping, jerking off, working, studying.

SDE should satisfy the freeloaders. Lol

  • Re : Olive Attendance Final Revision

    01. 19. 2012 08:48

Originally Posted by maykel


Read the comments after the update and new olive system and the locking of the olive lost whine thread.

This is going to be the new crying over lost coins thread. Lol

SDE should reimburse the COINS LOST because they never read the Notice and it was SDE's fault, since they posted the notice a few hours before the server update and most of the cry babies were sleeping, jerking off, working, studying.

SDE should satisfy the freeloaders. Lol

What is the matter with you? Become a toady/corporate bootlicker or what???

You have no idea of marketing it seems. If a company wants to launch a loyalty programme for its customers, they are well advised to not p*ss them off, that is all.

And a note at 3 am European time just before cannot be compared to the coins issue, where we were all made aware of the deadline (12th January) even before it started 1st December 2011. So think before you write, or just stay quiet.

  • Re : Olive Attendance Final Revision

    01. 19. 2012 16:20

from GM Karma:

-we informed that a new system was coming (although failed to mention that the old ones would be wiped out)
-we're not responsible if people did not redeem their attendance bonus prior to 0000 on the 19th PST
-we will not redeem lost olives.

another example of fine customer service & marketing from "Dear Leader". next time I won't forget the golden rule: "if they'll break it, or shaft you with it, they will".

next up, the Italy NF FUBAR

  • Re : Olive Attendance Final Revision

    01. 19. 2012 18:26

This was posted 10days before the actual date of the update in olive attendance.

Quoted from MK2

"The changes aim to make the system simpler and less stressful in response to feedback received from players. We hope this notice will help prepare you for the launch of the new system on 1/19/2012 at 00:00 PST."

This one in near the bottom part of the said notice 10 days ago and common sense dictate that before the patch, we should have redeemed the remaining olives. This is NF you guys already know that anything can get wrong and will go wrong and still never redeemed the olives your self. Then the usual thing happened, you guys blamed SDE for the mess. Lol

You lost 10olives this month, but they will give us 5 additional olives per month. Woooot Freeloaders for the win!!!!!

Whining about FREE OLIVES FTW!!!!

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