HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • TKing my planes

    01. 23. 2012 23:31

I had a big discussion about why some guy TK'ed my bombers. No other planes were around so he did it on
purpose. He admitted to itsaying he did it cause I was being a BW and not being a team player. He said I
should scot first or launch FP's.This is on Kaiser server. I play cv as much as I can because there is so few cv's.
Now I only have FP2's I told him FP1's but I forgot they got to FP2 but I still only use locals, cause FP2's still
sux. This is  4 bar AA guy. These guys shoot down my FP's when I try to do local Fp missions, which I try not to
blame them for. Now they are shooting down my DB's for tryin to get a few hits in?I dont know who to blame for
this if anyone. but it seems we need people to play cv. help  me out whats the answer?


  • Re : TKing my planes

    01. 25. 2012 00:55

First of all, you should report him, no matter how you play, he was doing something against rules, should be banned at least 2 days from what I know.
However, I can understand why this guy was so upset with your play style. In matter of fact, even when you are a BW, you should at least scout with your bombers in some cases to make a team effort with winning. With higher attacks but lost at the end won't give you better exp reward from my personal experience.
In addtion, since your are only at T2 level, I won't blame you that you are not scout with your bombers or use locals, people need to learn how to play to be good. That guy shouldn't be so hard on you if you are not a cv4-cv5 without scout skills. But learn how to play CV effectively would benefit yourself with long term lv griding aspect, wins always better than loses.
My suggestions:
1.try to use your T2s, since they are far more useful compare with locals, and you need to know how to micro control your fps anywas, scout is always top priority for CVs, support kills when is necessary ( in case if your side of BBs are really suck)
2.Don't always let your bombers return right after they drop bomb, check out to see if your BBs need your help after bomb dropped.
3.Learn from experienced CV users from your fleet, or anyone you can see in the battle. The link here is a very good bomb user who are gives me some insights about how should I play my CV when I was a noob, hope it will be helpful to you.
4.I am a okay CV user, since we are on the same server, I'm more than happy to help you with any Qs you have, you can pm me at anytime you see me in the ocean.

  • Re : TKing my planes

    01. 25. 2012 01:54

just manual bomb his ship

  • Re : TKing my planes

    01. 25. 2012 03:16

its really sad that there are so many players that feel they must wast TNF time by putting in stupid suport tickets.

Yes the AA was in the wrong for shooting down your planes. He was not playing very good as a team player. I will be honest with you tho your setup sounds like you are not helping the team that much. In general the game rewards fighters over bombers and locals are kinda a bad pick when you have t2's.

read ningbo888 post as he has more of the right idea. So for 1 game you had an AA guy shooting a few of your bombers , so now we need to go report ? I personly don't get it.

You are right in the fact that it is only a game. So stop getting so pissy and move on to the next match. If the person makes a habit of doing it to you say he is following you from game to game then there could be some cause for report.

You got stuck with a noob team m8 who shot down your planes. I get stuck with noob BB's that can't hit target and rush blind into 4 bb's. I get CV's that load only bombers and send wave after wave into fighters to get an attack comparible to what i can get in a CA.

Yes people can piss you off and make you wonder what they are doing but then again its just a game. Stop wasting time SDE is already slow on anything they do so don't make them wast even more time answering stupid support tickets.

  • Re : TKing my planes

    01. 25. 2012 04:02

@ ciscodelorum---- You say that you agree with him, lets look closer.

First paragraph: Bragging on his own abiity's and ragging on his team's abiity's.

Second paragraph: Went past dis-respecting BB's and added Cv's into the fold.

Forth paragraph: Admittance of curseing other players and distaste for non English speaking players.

Not sure what part of the post you think "He' right" in, ciscodelorum.

Back on subject:

Screen shot and reporta is the proper course of action, although a little street justice would make
you feel better...... bomb his butt.

  • Re : TKing my planes

    01. 25. 2012 07:35

I dont agree with running just bombers, but still he shouldnt have tked your bombers plain and simple

  • Re : TKing my planes

    01. 25. 2012 07:44

Was that aa ship carrying scouts? Cause if he wasn't, he wasn't a team player to :P

  • Re : TKing my planes

    01. 26. 2012 14:33

Originally Posted by acanafrog

its really sad that there are so many players that feel they must wast TNF time by putting in stupid suport tickets.

Yes the AA was in the wrong for shooting down your planes. He was not playing very good as a team player. I will be honest with you tho your setup sounds like you are not helping the team that much. In general the game rewards fighters over bombers and locals are kinda a bad pick when you have t2's.

read ningbo888 post as he has more of the right idea. So for 1 game you had an AA guy shooting a few of your bombers , so now we need to go report ? I personly don't get it.

You are right in the fact that it is only a game. So stop getting so pissy and move on to the next match. If the person makes a habit of doing it to you say he is following you from game to game then there could be some cause for report.

You got stuck with a noob team m8 who shot down your planes. I get stuck with noob BB's that can't hit target and rush blind into 4 bb's. I get CV's that load only bombers and send wave after wave into fighters to get an attack comparible to what i can get in a CA.

Yes people can piss you off and make you wonder what they are doing but then again its just a game. Stop wasting time SDE is already slow on anything they do so don't make them wast even more time answering stupid support tickets.

I couldn't disagree with you more. We're not talking about the guy is shooting down his planes while going at the enemy, he's mad that this kid is playing a BW so he starts shooting him up. Thats screwed up!

  • Re : TKing my planes

    01. 26. 2012 15:38

Now you know why certain ships (players) get bombed, torped or shelled when there is something bigger and better near them.
Sometimes its not what you are but who you are that gets you shot.
And yes if you get a screen shot send it in and add them to the priority target list

  • Re : TKing my planes

    01. 26. 2012 17:22

Originally Posted by Lionel2

I couldn't disagree with you more. We're not talking about the guy is shooting down his planes while going at the enemy, he's mad that this kid is playing a BW so he starts shooting him up. Thats screwed up!

I understand that the player was mad at the BW and was shooting down his planes. I fully get what the OP was talking about.

All I am saying is it's a game. Alot of people act like they are 8 years old and have to go tell their mom that someone was mean to them. You get people that need to post support tickets for such silly little things. OMG i lost a few of my planes to team AA. Hmm i see that a player is shooting down my planes... me thinks perhpas i will send them at different height so he won't be able to hit them or i will not send them over that player that is TKing them.

I get that if the player is doing it game after game there is a problem. Most of the time someone is just fed up with stupid players and dosn't express his anger in a very good way. It is a game not like the player is showing up at your house and kicking you in the head. Usualy it is only for a match and dosn't go much farther some people take it to the extreme by bugging the player for multiple games and yes then they should reported. Seriously tho you lost a few bombers to a team m8 is that so bad? Chalk it up to bad luck that you had a bad player on your team and move on.

  • Re : TKing my planes

    01. 26. 2012 18:49

Originally Posted by acanafrog

I understand that the player was mad at the BW and was shooting down his planes. I fully get what the OP was talking about.

All I am saying is it's a game. Alot of people act like they are 8 years old and have to go tell their mom that someone was mean to them. You get people that need to post support tickets for such silly little things. OMG i lost a few of my planes to team AA. Hmm i see that a player is shooting down my planes... me thinks perhpas i will send them at different height so he won't be able to hit them or i will not send them over that player that is TKing them.

I get that if the player is doing it game after game there is a problem. Most of the time someone is just fed up with stupid players and dosn't express his anger in a very good way. It is a game not like the player is showing up at your house and kicking you in the head. Usualy it is only for a match and dosn't go much farther some people take it to the extreme by bugging the player for multiple games and yes then they should reported. Seriously tho you lost a few bombers to a team m8 is that so bad? Chalk it up to bad luck that you had a bad player on your team and move on.

Sorry, there is no justification for that. I had an incident once where a teammate was unhappy with me over the ratio of fighters and bombers. He decided that he would shoot down some of my returning planes as a method of saying screw you. I have never forgotten that and to this day, if I see him driving on the line, I will always go the other way.

Its not about the utility of did a flight of bombers matter, its about respect. Its about accountability, and its about a game environment without BS pressure.

I don't like people telling me where to fly, what to launch what to do. Taking it to another level where they are shooting up my planes is unacceptable.

Further, if the guy did it once and nothing is done, he'll do it again. So whats to stop him if the CV has locals and dont give vision, shoot them down too? At what point does someone step in and hold him accountable? I say report.

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