HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • @TNF

    04. 12. 2012 05:58


Right, youve had your fun implementing a totally worthless patch. How about pulling your finger out of each others orrifices and actually fixing that stupidly overpowered italian BB4?

And whle your at it, fix everything else that you keep implementing and leaving to be totally unbalanced. We dont want new stuff, we just want you guys to do your god dam jobs and fix things, then people will be happy.

Or you got more stupidly useless patches in the pipeline which you think we want more of....  

You koreans or w/e nationality you guys are have no idea about how to sort out priorities. How about this, its a simple explanation;

1) Fix things.

2) Then create new things.

3)fix them new things.

4)create more new things.

See how it works? 


  • Re : @TNF

    04. 12. 2012 09:54

Perhaps op should join the testing team and help balance the guns instead of publicly whining about how SDE doesnt do anything. Although I'm not sure if they'll even want to test with you with your attitude. Basically what you are doing is blaming the peasants for a naturally caused famine. You won't learn their difficulties unless you go and experience them.

  • Re : @TNF

    04. 12. 2012 10:18


What tags do GMs have ingame?

And at above about joining the test team, what other game have you paid money too that you have been expected to test?

This is not having a go at the test team because I understand their situation (and appreciate it) but the content should not have been released, and the test team agree with this statement.

SDE know that NF is sinking (yes it may be supported but the majority of people play the newer game over an old one) and the release of RM had to be as it was to get the most $$$ before NF2.

  • Re : @TNF

    04. 12. 2012 10:54


Originally Posted by Kilaenots

What tags do GMs have ingame?

And at above about joining the test team, what other game have you paid money too that you have been expected to test?

This is not having a go at the test team because I understand their situation (and appreciate it) but the content should not have been released, and the test team agree with this statement.

SDE know that NF is sinking (yes it may be supported but the majority of people play the newer game over an old one) and the release of RM had to be as it was to get the most $$$ before NF2.

This reply deserves a sticky.

  • Re : @TNF

    04. 12. 2012 11:31


As per the forum rules I request this locked for ranting.

Originally Posted by Nyerkovic
A rant is a post which is long-winded, redundant and filled with angry, non-constructive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of communityand helpful in the development of the game, but rants are disruptive and incite flamingand trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise, clear manner and avoid going off on rambling tangents.

  • Re : @TNF

    04. 12. 2012 11:45


Originally Posted by Eufonioum
Perhaps op should join the testing team and help balance the guns instead of publicly whining about how SDE doesnt do anything. Although I'm not sure if they'll even want to test with you with your attitude. Basically what you are doing is blaming the peasants for a naturally caused famine. You won't learn their difficulties unless you go and experience them.

How about things get tested-and I mean TESTED, not played 1 or 5 times and assumed everything is perfectly fine, before they get released first? We are all used to having to wait for everything when it comes to SDE (there you go LJ, I said it, SDE, not TNF) so there is no problem makin us wait a bit longer for a PROPERLY tested nation/ship/bb.

We pay to play this game not to be the testers of it.

This game is supposed to be a released game, not one continuously long beta test. The test servers should be used pre-patch and at a lengthy testing time too, not after stuff is implemented and craps all over everyone. 

As for them not wanting to test with me.. well that suits me fine, I don't think I would want to test with them... They'd hold me back too much...

As for your blaming the peasants analogy... How on earth is that even relevant to this?! Famine is a naturally occurring situation as you clearly mentioned.

You saying Navyfield was born from mother nature?
SDE are mother nature?!


manmade=/=natural occurrance

Come off it. Feel free to jump in Lj and tell this guy how silly he is looking. 

  • Re : @TNF

    04. 12. 2012 11:49


Originally Posted by Neat

As per the forum rules I request this locked for ranting.


Originally Posted by Nyerkovic
A rant is a post which is long-winded, redundant and filled with angry, non-constructive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of communityand helpful in the development of the game, but rants are disruptive and incite flamingand trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise, clear manner and avoid going off on rambling tangents.


Originally Posted by Chief0milo

1) Fix things.

2) Then create new things.

3)fix them new things.

4)create more new things.

Constructive comments. Very clear and very to the point. Whats wrong?
Sure there's angryness as well,  but as above, I offered constructive advice on priorities.
FYI, my post above is also very constructive on recommending how things should be tested. It is concise, structured well, not rambling and not going off on a tangent.


  • Re : @TNF

    04. 12. 2012 13:10


Honestly with the amount of whining going on there no wonder theres a low population on kaiser.

Spend more time playing less time moaning. Learn to sink a RM BB3/4 (really the only OP ones) IT REALLY ONLY TAKES PRACTICE AND LEARNING TO AIM AN ART WITCH HAS BEEN LOST IT SEEMS.

None of these issues will be fixed anytime soon atleast with the volume of issues and the manner in witch their handled. If there was a dedicated testing team they would have to know the mechanics of the game inside and out, our testers do the best they can with what they have.

The community runs this game, not the company. If you really are mad go organize a player strike and put all your accounts in sleeping for a week or 2 and see how $DE handles that situation.

  • Re : @TNF

    04. 12. 2012 13:26


I love the RAGE. *back to killing with my OP BB4*

Don't blame 1 ship for your failture. It will be nerfed and you still will be killed, then what?


NF=Cry Babies( First game i've actually played where i saw grown men whine more than kids..not even in chucky cheese the kids cry this much.) Cry about EXP,CVs,SS,Smoke,Lag, Etc whats next..How Auto aim not working?

  • Re : @TNF

    04. 12. 2012 13:34


Originally Posted by replika30

Honestly with the amount of whining going on there no wonder theres a low population on kaiser.

Spend more time playing less time moaning. Learn to sink a RM BB3/4 (really the only OP ones) IT REALLY ONLY TAKES PRACTICE AND LEARNING TO AIM AN ART WITCH HAS BEEN LOST IT SEEMS.

None of these issues will be fixed anytime soon atleast with the volume of issues and the manner in witch their handled. If there was a dedicated testing team they would have to know the mechanics of the game inside and out, our testers do the best they can with what they have.

The community runs this game, not the company. If you really are mad go organize a player strike and put all your accounts in sleeping for a week or 2 and see how $DE handles that situation.


They can't aim at Large BBs why would they hit an RM BB4. And the BB5 is what needs a buff no one is talking about that thou. The spread is crap. Now back to RM BB4 till its Nerf i will be plaing it..since i pay to play :)

  • Re : @TNF

    04. 12. 2012 15:03


Originally Posted by NewYorkBoy

I love the RAGE. *back to killing with my OP BB4*

Don't blame 1 ship for your failture. It will be nerfed and you still will be killed, then what?


NF=Cry Babies( First game i've actually played where i saw grown men whine more than kids..not even in chucky cheese the kids cry this much.) Cry about EXP,CVs,SS,Smoke,Lag, Etc whats next..How Auto aim not working?

Perfect example. Not much different than someone going 'pff mai hack works fine and until they stop it then ima carry on usin it and lol@all you people who dont take advantage of it'.
Its broke. Its not much different than the border humping. Although that was implemented like it, it was considered a bug of sorts. Its taken this long to get it fixed.

Im not crying about exp, I think current gold level is fine, perhaps a bit too much still, but its ok.
CVs, well, thats just (some of) the players themselves and currently the well known opness of T5 scouts.

SS's are meh.... I use one, exp on them absolutely sucks but i dont care, ill take what I can get from it, or ill die from them, theyre easy enough to spot a mile off. If I die from one, its my fault.  

Smoke is meh. A ship is somewhere inside it, he will either use it to rush or run off. If I can't see that coming then tough on me.

Lag? well, I always seem to get it when I get a perfect line up of my angles and cant get that killer shot off then somehow im rushing head on to almost certain death. I accept that because it doesnt happen all the time.

But that RM BB4 is taking the biscuit. Its basically my monty but wrapped up in a small shell.
I dont play this game expecting to live at the end of every game, I expect to be dead by the end from one thing or another but if i can avoid it then even better. So I dont care what kills me, but this RMBB4 has suddenly become my number 1 killer, and not by luck.
You can mock all you want nyb. The level of your mocking though goes to show me that you're not all that mature you make yourself out to be. Crying? pfft. Thats childs mockery. Im just whining with reason.
I can aim perfectly fine (I also often make mistakes), but trying to hit one with a hitbox as small as a cl with semi shotgun spread of 12 shells... 
 I am not complaining of the RMBB3, only the 4. Its not just OP, its rediculously OP. And it often enough tips the balance of many games in favour of the team that ends up with the most of them, as Tappo pointed out.
What gives you the idea im on Kaiser? Im on nebby server... 

I understand the testers(who are also players) do the best they can, I'm not having a go at them, Im sure they do their job as much as they can but why do SDE insist on releasing something which is ridiculously unbalanced. Not just unbalanced, but ridiculously much so... Like I said earlier, they make people wait so long for anything to get implemented, people are still here and playing. A month or 2 to get something like that tweaked a little to fit in while being more balanced wouldn't have gone a miss.

I can understand why the balancing of all the BB4s/5s (US/IJN/UK/KM) took ages because there was soo much to work through already and they near enough went through all the BBs. But it just seems like SDE barely took anything into consideration when they threw this BB4 into the scene.
And yes, I agree the RMBB5 has a (semi) shotgun spread. But this thread wasnt made for that.

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