HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • New Player

    04. 12. 2012 08:02


Hello everyone I have just gotten started with this game and had a few questions.  Most I suspect have been asked a thousand times but search failed to answer them so here I am.  The first thing is that I want to play a BB I was wondering which nations were the most beginner friendly.  My other question was which server currently has the most active player base.  I appreciate you taking the time to answer a noobs questions and I look forward to seeing you all in game.


  • Re : New Player

    04. 14. 2012 11:47


Originally Posted by Tyion89

Thank you for all the help everyone.  I think I will be going with the US BB lines first.  I look forward to seeing all of you in game.

hehe, you probably won't see me for long since I normally get sunk right off the bat. 1300 games and I bet you're still gonna start off doing better than me currently. 


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