HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Record in bad luck?

    12. 17. 2014 12:46


30 boxes and 0 EBB coupons. Can u beat it?

And i´m talking about this event not bad luck irl............


  • Re : Record in bad luck?

    12. 20. 2014 08:17


Opened 41 box and this is what i received from this event :(

  • Re : Record in bad luck?

    12. 20. 2014 08:28




45 boxes an no EBB, no sailor.


EDIT: 47 boxes and no EBB, no sailor.



  • Re : Record in bad luck?

    12. 20. 2014 11:12


48 here and nothing...but I did get a lvl 90 neut.

  • Re : Record in bad luck?

    12. 20. 2014 11:30


50 time and not even a lvl 90 nut ... with 4 ship tree reset

EDIT 54 and nothing

  • Re : Record in bad luck?

    12. 20. 2014 11:52


50 boxes...ZERO

7 HQ expansion....4 ship tree reset...what a pathetic joke

  • Re : Record in bad luck?

    12. 20. 2014 11:58


I keep getting smoke bombs.... =-(


On another note, if you guys ever go to the casino, be prepared to not win the jackpot no matter how many times you play.

  • Re : Record in bad luck?

    12. 20. 2014 12:29


I seem to get much better results when I open several boxes in a short period of time, instead of opening one everytime I get a new one. Anyone else experience this?

  • Re : Record in bad luck?

    12. 21. 2014 03:51


I tried to open several boxes (5) in a short period of time, and it gave me 3 smokebombs and 2 HH. 45 boxes now and no EBB/ECV.

  • Re : Record in bad luck?

    12. 21. 2014 15:35


Yeah i can beat it easily. 64 boxes. No coupons.

  • Re : Record in bad luck?

    12. 21. 2014 18:41


You guys are talking about records in bad luck?

I got sick in late September, which transformed into a nasty cough. By mid-October, I was having chest pains due to overworked muscles. By the beginning of November, I'd coughed so violently that I tore one of them (think cracked rib pain and effects) - I could not even sign my name when I voted. It wasn't until a couple weeks ago that I could even breath normally, and it still flares up when I yawn.

During this same period, I had to cancel several job interviews and lost my window due to the above, lost a few weeks from work for the same, returned to work only to constantly receive tasks that I'd specifically said I could not perform because they exacerbate my injury, learned that I'm going to have to get new (and more expensive) living accommodations soon, got the rear of my car mangled by a holiday driver, lost my favorite grandparent rather suddenly (poor communication, should have known it was coming), and could not attend the funeral for practical reasons. I'm currently unable to speak due to another illness almost completely robbing me of my voice - and they still keep sending me where I'm physically incapable of doing half the expected tasks (how the heck do I answer the phone when I can't talk?). Why? Because I'm the only one there since the schedule keeps getting screwed up and other people keep calling out.

So yeah, the facts that I was completely shut out of the Bingo event and only got the compensation even players that could play it got, and still don't have an ebb coupon - those are rather minor.

Come back and whine when you have real problems.

I do note that I seem to get a better variety if I only open 1 or 2 at a time, and then come back much later. Every time I did more than 5 at once, half of them were the same item.

1 2 3 4 5