HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Torpeedo damage

    11. 06. 2011 01:27

you know this is getting realy realy old

NF answered the call of the crying BB drivers and nerfed the exp for torps then they gave them hedge hogs that can be launched  half way accross the map  and torps are still  nerfed  it takes 5-6 games to get what a BB or CV can get in  one game how much longer are you gona keep this up without changing  this  you gave the BB's everything they wanted  now plz  Give the torps back there exp


  • Re : Torpeedo damage

    12. 14. 2011 02:42

Originally Posted by Monarch

Originally Posted by SylverXI

Originally Posted by Monarch

Or just level your SS crew on a PBB or EBB.

Funny, lol. Admiting SS are not worth using for leveling.

Also, Only FW or TB carrier get mostly shared exp., if you get a succesfull DB run and rape the enemy fighters, you can get allot more exp.(around 50-60K) and maybe even as much as a average BB and get 3-4 times the amount of credits compared with a good BB. This isn't fair for TB users either.

Torp damage gives you low rewards. Needs to be fixed. Simple as that.

First, torpedo damage is fully team attack. It doesn't really matter how that team attack is made, torpedoes, shells, bombs... just it really is the most attack with the fewest number of people getting a slice of the shared EXP pie.

Secondly, it's not as simple as that. A proper way of scaling attack vs ship level is the way, otherwise SS1s and SS2s that don't have enough air or speed to move across the map, choke down as much food as they can while they still have air then get nuked when they surface would get terrible EXP. Much like the system for BBs; BB1s get mostly shared EXP while BB5s get mostly earned EXP.

So keep in mind if you have it your way, all the SS1s, SS2s, SS3s and occasional SS4 that my SS5 nukes while taking less than 5,000 damage, they all would be getting less than 1,500 EXP without premium and less than 3,000 EXP with premium. Food for thought.

Thirdly, CV drivers can always level their crew on a BB...

i just got my pcv and im gonna play it till i get a bb6 , i don't like to wait in the waitingrooms.

i also played my cv6 from oyodo and played all the ss1's (got 3xss4's)
i played my mog till nagato and play my ise til supper yamato and gonna play pcv till amagi and ill never play that ship.
( u can't even change it 's guns) bb's are for losers that power level and be scoutless dogs of war)

and hate all u "power leveling" newbs with out scouts aa boats with out scouts
the scout is first to go = mong playing style= blame cv because u left part of ur brain in kindergarten.

and if this keeps up i'll be playing a cv with out planes , im just here for the good coffee & some small talk .

and we are on topic : because we are dreaming of torps

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