HA Infomation

Imperial Japanese Navy


  • IJN EBB3

    12. 04. 2011 12:59

So, i couldn't find any meaningfull topics about with the search function and google. Well, how good is it?
Any personal experiences? Is it fun to drive? Does it have yamato range?


  • Re : IJN EBB3

    01. 05. 2012 20:11

Originally Posted by Aramaki

Awesome 32/54 speed with mikasa guns. :)

+1 Even tho the damage Sux you go 32/54 like you used to if you had a Mandel with BB5 crew.

Hyuga is prolly one of the best EBBs in the game. At-lvl The SPREAD SUCKS.. I had 12/11 Gunners and at lvl 87+ The spread got really tight At some shots but just pure garbage in others.

Im pretty sure people have always envisioned "What if I could use Nagato guns in an Ise/Fuso?" And when the EBB3s came out it did.

Alot of people say its better than most EBBs in the game Cause of the fact you can do Two set-ups very well (Nagato guns + misaka guns) w/o loosing alot of range. In fact the Misaka guns only loose a tad bit of range compared to the 16s.

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