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U.S Navy


  • Some advice needed.

    11. 22. 2009 08:11

Sorry for making so many threads just to ask questions O:

Firstly my gunners are level 51 and I'm at Balty. But my spread is veryyyyyyyy bad.
So should I boost and Vet/expert them ? Their stats are 12/9 and 12/8. =/

  • Re : Some advice needed.

    11. 23. 2009 07:49

+90 vets and +100 experts each would about triple your gunner's actual ability. If you're
patient you can get all the experts you'd need from AAing (and some more free vet
conversions). Or you can buy them if you have more money than time.

  • Re : Some advice needed.

    11. 23. 2009 07:14

I classed both of them as acc > rel. One has 213, 151, 10. While the other has 221,
143, 10. Will B/V/E make like alot of difference?

  • Re : Some advice needed.

    11. 22. 2009 10:43

What did you class them, first of all? Even classed Accuracy twice won't help you much if
they aren't BVE.

It would help to know how many vets and experts they have right now. If you have
mostly rookies, then it's generally a sound decision to apply at least a bit of money onto
your gunners. Otherwise, at that level, there's not much that you can do except grind it
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