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U.S Navy


  • Subscriptions are overrated

    10. 08. 2007 09:17


No subscriptions were used in the making of this BB2. A big thanks to Will, who was my
inspiration to get a Colorado back when I was still in my Brooklyn.

My first impressions are, OMFG THIS THING IS SO FREAKING SLOW! They say that you don't
know how precious something is until you lose it, and it really shows. The Guam really is
one of the best BB1s in the game when played properly, since it has speed and AA, while
the Colorado has neither of those (for now, at least). Another thing that I always took
for granted was having 5 scouts at all times in my Guam, which seems like a huge boon now
that I have only 3 in the Colorado. I feel a lot more vulnerable in this thing than ever,
since I can't shoot down scouts, I can't run from the enemy when I need to, and I'm blind
when I lose my scouts.

On the other hand though, the dual 16"s are PURE FREAKING OWNAGE! Not only do I have more
range than my Guam (I can only mark half of my shells so far), but the spread is somewhat
better, and each shell does MASSIVE damage. I managed 37k in the first game I took the
Colorado for a spin, with 12 salvos and a 13% hit rate.

In summary, there are lots of things about the Colorado that really show you just how
awesome the Guam was, but the Colorado is no stick in the mud and can be really awesome.

  • Re : Subscriptions are overrated

    10. 08. 2007 09:29

One month premium subscription costs less then a month of WoW, oh, and I want
your BB :p
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