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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • kuma guns

    12. 17. 2005 18:08

can anyone tell me why the best guns i can load on my kuma is 1x5.5" or 2x3"? i have
gunners working them, but i can only mount up to those guns

  • Re : kuma guns

    12. 17. 2005 23:56

what about the kuma kai or kita kami

  • Re : kuma guns

    12. 17. 2005 22:20

since i know your new to the grand old club....i'll spare u my sarcasim....but do nto
put guns on a kuma....u will be the laughing stock of the 7 seas.

  • Re : kuma guns

    12. 17. 2005 18:38

Kuma isn't a gunship. It's a torpedo ship. Don't even bother mounting guns on it. A
torpedo ship doesn't need good guns or even guns at all. In real life it had pathetic
armament, this is portrayed accurately in-game.
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