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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • kuma guns

    12. 17. 2005 18:08

can anyone tell me why the best guns i can load on my kuma is 1x5.5" or 2x3"? i have
gunners working them, but i can only mount up to those guns

  • Re : kuma guns

    02. 02. 2006 18:18

yamato is full of newbs, and I don't like torp walling much or torping the one bars, and
avoid any under nation dd, so I put gun on my Kuma. Sue me. :P It's not too bad; 6 5.5
guns means it's just like having 3 2x 5.5s, so I have some near DD firepower, and Iv'e
sunk quite a few with my guns already.

  • Re : kuma guns

    02. 02. 2006 16:06

the term kuma, and guns, dont fit togather quite well lol

  • Re : kuma guns

    02. 02. 2006 15:35

i have to say i had a hoot with the kuma kai and 5 twin 3inch dp guns...the lvl of flak
going up is astounding and i usually manage 3 -5 planes a my torps
launching in between...give it a bash

  • Re : kuma guns

    02. 01. 2006 03:21

U need as much speed as possible for the kuma its already a slow arse, dont
weight it down with more crew and guns. Or alternativly leave it in drydock and wait
for a remodel (level42) at least u can TW properly then

  • Re : kuma guns

    01. 31. 2006 20:48

DONT PUT GUNZ!!! get it through ur thick skull :/

  • Re : kuma guns

    12. 20. 2005 06:07

as AA i would suggest faster fire rate

  • Re : kuma guns

    12. 19. 2005 20:51

which would be stronger 5.5 singles or dual 3s?

  • Re : kuma guns

    12. 19. 2005 02:39

Put 7 twin 3" AA (need Mch Gnrs). It give you 14 AA barrels. Belive me, you can
shread planes to pieces with that. Leave torps for self or CV/BB/other protection.

It is important that you need to use AA version not N, because you can load more
ammo. Load 1-2 HE light (secondary ammo) in case you come under attack, and rest
AA shells (primary). Using Kuma as pure TW isnt a good idea.

  • Re : kuma guns

    12. 18. 2005 17:21

Yeah, i tried putting AA guns on my kita, it actually worked very well, but that side
tracked me from torping lol.

R: Empty x4
T: Dual 4.1" DP Guns x6
T: Type 93 version 1 mod 2 x4

  • Re : kuma guns

    12. 18. 2005 12:06

Same for kumakai and kita.... If you realy want to put guns on it, try with AA guns...

Kuma (not kai one) can make a good AA ship !
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