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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Money

    12. 26. 2005 04:39

Whats the best and quickest way to get money in this game? It seems like I have
to play a million missions just to come up 100K. Is there something Im not
getting? Help and IJN brotha out, yall.

  • Re : Money

    12. 26. 2005 07:09

Once you get to CL, money comes easy, you just need more of it. Play in CL/CA or
CL/CA/BB (if your a masochist) with no torps and its not hard to make 1000 exp and
2000 credits a game.

  • Re : Money

    12. 26. 2005 06:58

best way to get money is if ur jap keep useing torps

keep on playing all welcome games with jap torps

that is the best way to get money fast is jap torps


  • Re : Money

    12. 26. 2005 04:42

The best way to get money is to not just play battles, but WIN them. Also, the amount of
money you recieve from a battle is determined by your percentage of your teams total
damage. Think of it like this: the more damage you to do the enemy, the more booty you
get. Think of pirates carving up treasure. )
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