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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Jap AA

    01. 02. 2006 15:52

Alright, I have 2 Questions.

1. After the new patch, Are jap mch gunners or DP gunners better for BB AA?

2. For reloading the AA gunner, does AAW or rld matter? Ive heard conflicting reports.

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 02. 2006 20:10

First, Jap BB AA is an oxymoron. (except in yamato, which is an outlier)

Second, please don't go Jap BB.

Thank you for your time.

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 02. 2006 20:09


@dranzer yep you are correct

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 02. 2006 19:31

what do the mech gunners do? I am guessing it involves the machine guns that are fired at
passing planes?

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 02. 2006 16:00


1. DP gunner are best
2. RLD is most important, bur it is also nice to have good AAW
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