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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Jap AA

    01. 02. 2006 15:52

Alright, I have 2 Questions.

1. After the new patch, Are jap mch gunners or DP gunners better for BB AA?

2. For reloading the AA gunner, does AAW or rld matter? Ive heard conflicting reports.

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 05. 2006 11:43

"Be prepared for the worst Steelfire..

Even the brit 4x14" outrange the 14"L"

14L slightly outrange the 4x14 as mix says.

But dont worry, Im only gonna play capped rooms till I get nagato =.="

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 04. 2006 13:54

actually 14L out range the quad by just a tiny bit

when they aint rushing ofcourse

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 04. 2006 11:31

Be prepared for the worst Steelfire..

Even the brit 4x14" outrange the 14"L

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 04. 2006 06:50

AA rating matters for the mch gunners and since u control the DP gunners yourself
thats why rld is more of a factor for them.

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 04. 2006 06:41

Thanks for the responses.


Too late, im Already lvl 60 jap BB.

And Im going to train AA gunners for my Ship. The kongo fits dual 5 AA so it should
at least be of some use.

I have some 10 acc 12 rld base guys im going to use for my AA gunners then since
rld matters more than AAW.

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 04. 2006 05:05

Can some one write a full list of DP guns and AA guns along with sailors that can
operate them? I mean something like the one existing in suggestions part of forum
but updated with AA bug fix with last patch. I'm still confused about it :(

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 04. 2006 03:20

Dual Purpose

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 04. 2006 00:57

wad's DP? =P

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 03. 2006 08:52

Mch. Gnr is now only useful on ship with high AAW rating (e.g. Aki-Kai). Dont use Mch
Gnr on ship with low AAW rating. It will be just useless. How good Mch Gnr is see in
this AA mission #1. Take Aki-Kai, load some DP Gnrs with AA guns and put Mch Gnrs
on support slots (they dont work on T slots). You will see how much planes you will
shot down with just auto. Its fun for extra credits, but boring if you cant hit anything
with manual AA guns.

  • Re : Jap AA

    01. 02. 2006 20:45

I think I might create a mech Gunner it might be helpful for my CV i am gonna get
soon(Hopefully if I can get Navyfield to work again) So I can shoot some divebombers
better when they are in their dive(or any low flying Plane at that matter)
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