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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 06:15

Sry to post it here... But i need a quick response...

I've searched the mogami CL and came to conclusion that:

CA engine is needed
7.9" for mogami
Some armour

So, my question is, what's the diff between 7.9"C, 7.9"D, 7.9"N ????
Is the armour that useful? It's Jap armour....
I put 2.8" belt and my skilled juz died in mwing....
Should i put deck, hull and bulge?

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 13:45

up close mogami is a beast lol

i killed county in CLCA by rushing them inside angle 10.. takes like 3-4 salvos at most
to kill a county

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 08:19

Dark forget armour have about 4-5 bulk make sure your speed doesn't go below 34/49..

You can tell your noob with mogami too.. Mogami is a damn fine ship upclose too.. all your
shells do 500-600 on most other CL/CA i even Ko'd a brook once in 2-3salvos
Jzuk have you ever used mogami lol.. L's keep dreaming :P we still outrange most with the D's

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 08:14

Last but not least this is the GENERAL DISCUSSION forum and there is an IJN forum. Use
that one for this, and yes there are like 20 posts about mogami CL. 7.9" D is used because
it's the best compromise between range and ammo.


(Moving this soon...)

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 07:13

Since your gunners are only lvl 30, use the dual 7.9 B N

Not as much range as the C D, but not bad.

lvl 39-41 for the dual 7.9 C

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 07:09

put on atleast 5 bulkhead and u wont lose experts anymore

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 06:53

Thx for all the fast reply... Well, my 7.9" is the basic ones at lvl 30+ .... I guess it's
the B?

Yup.. I fitted 4" belt and they still die... Jap armour is too crappy...

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 06:46

Best mogami cl setup:

CA Engine

Dual 7.9 C D (fits the perfect amount of ammo and outranges all but m-pro)

Dual 8 E D are ok, but fit one bind less. But they also do more damage. But also lack
all the range of the 7.9 C D. It's a trade-off.

Minimum armor since it doesnt do anything anyways(just enough to protect crew,
maybe .1 deck and .1 belt). 1.0 deck isnt enough paper to stop even a 6 inch shell.
But if you really want armor put on all deck.

This is the best cl in the game IMO.

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 06:34

i rather prefer the 8"E D on mogami cl...
but it takes quite long to get these(around 48lv)
the most sensible option maybe 7.9"C D...4binds ammo, nice range
btw...when u say 7.9"...u need to specify whether it is B or C...
7.9 B (N, L, D) &7.9 C (N, L, D) of six sets of gun
for range...
7.9 C D>7.9 B N
no idea about the 7.9 B L...
for armor...forget it
u need really a lot of armor to have significant result...
which probably wont fit on mogami cl
so i would prefer no armor...speed is one of the advantages of mogami cl

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 06:32

Then i'll be in oyodo again.... T.T

I need some mogami CL setup ideas....

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 06:28

Play it by shells then, with 20 salvos you better hope you're doing enough damage...
sadly this looks idoisyncratic... if you can do enough damage to make it worth your
while with so few shells go for the extra range gun... if not the N... if not... wait for
the CA and get the 8s lol
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