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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 06:15

Sry to post it here... But i need a quick response...

I've searched the mogami CL and came to conclusion that:

CA engine is needed
7.9" for mogami
Some armour

So, my question is, what's the diff between 7.9"C, 7.9"D, 7.9"N ????
Is the armour that useful? It's Jap armour....
I put 2.8" belt and my skilled juz died in mwing....
Should i put deck, hull and bulge?

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 06:23

That's the normal setup... But mogami isn't like the rest -.-"
I got a brook and yup.. I know that..

If i put on the 7.9L, i'll be shooting air... No space...
If i put the 7.9C, i'll be shooting 1 bind of 40 rounds...
If i put the 7.9N, i'll be shooting 2 binds of 40 rounds each..
If i put the 7.9D, i'll be shooting 5 binds of 40 rounds each...

If you don't know, mogami ranges the other CLs.... It's crappy at close... Brook is
completely outranged by it... even with 8"D on brook...

But my BO is too weak.. the shells go missing...

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 06:19

When you're a cruiser, its range, range, range, get the Ls.

Put on some Bulkhead and keep it on. Bulge if you're intending to get torped... deck
if you're playing with CL+ and some belt if you're playing with the DDs.
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