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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Mogami CL setup

    01. 04. 2006 06:15

Sry to post it here... But i need a quick response...

I've searched the mogami CL and came to conclusion that:

CA engine is needed
7.9" for mogami
Some armour

So, my question is, what's the diff between 7.9"C, 7.9"D, 7.9"N ????
Is the armour that useful? It's Jap armour....
I put 2.8" belt and my skilled juz died in mwing....
Should i put deck, hull and bulge?

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 05. 2006 18:19

Yup pepsi. I did kill a mogami with my 3"70... LoL. He sux and miss quite a lot...

Ok. I get the idea. Currently my gunners are only qualified to use 7.9"B D... I need to
mw them up but i keep losing experts instead -.-" (Pulling the plug doesn't save

I'll just use BH and pray for the best... I love range ^^
Went into CL/CA/BB room and i don't know why BB thinks that CL tastes better -.-"
Those BBs are just nxt to me -.-"
Anyway, it was fun... Got to agree Mogami is king (If it has more DP, it would be god)

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 05. 2006 18:06

mog ca same as myoko

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 05. 2006 16:11

AP would be nice to have indeed, but on PoW there aren't too many gold Yorks with
extreme SD so it's not crucial. I'd rather have the range, the jap ships are best
handled when kept out of harms way, they are too brittle to withstand serious
punishment up close. You can do up to 25k in a CL/CA room if you fire reasonably
well. And the 7,9" C have decent spread and speed. When you get 10-15% hit rate
you will easily do 10-20k damage per round. With lvl 43 gunners at 50% ability it is
quite easy to achieve that hit rate (if you can aim that is). And as ability goes up it
just gets easier :)

I guess loadout depends on what server you play :) I bet on Bis there are more
tougher target and fewer "easy pickings" than on PoW so the AP comes in handy

Anyway, just to hijack this thread, how do you guys judge the difference in gun
angles between the Mog CL, Mog CA and Myoko? I tried the Myoko but found it to be
extremely "skittish" and arcs would "deform" very easily in response to ship
movement compared to the Mog CL. Is the Mog CA as bad as the Myoko in that even
the smallest turn would cross or open your angle?

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 05. 2006 11:00

Don't get me wrong i love ranging all too :p

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 05. 2006 08:05

Well that depends what you like. I love ranging ppl, others like to rush into battle. :)

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 05. 2006 07:46

Don't use the 6.1" its not worth the money putting em on you want to play DD/CL use
another ship or put up with(what i think is great for anti dd) 7.9"

I take 7.9"C D into CL/CA because of my speed(34/49) i rush in hit the CA and rush back
out i rushed a balt today he had 5kdp so i rushed fast enough that most his shells missed me.

@ookla your role in a CL/CA/BB game is to scout but usally the bbs will go one way and the
CLs will meet down south

As for the 7.9"C N, I will always stick with the D's due to the fact that it holds 2 binds
of Light He and 1 AP Very important all rounder set up. Because of my range and speed im
usally one of the last left on my team if we are losing so i need lots of shells for lots
of enemys :)

1 more thing when you face an edin with 8" in CL games rush it.. its long reload and your
speed = lots of his shells missing but hey this is coming from a guy who tends to rush
Brooks when the time is right. And iv been getting around 15-20k lately(In CL only games)

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 05. 2006 04:08

Listen to ypsilon. Use the 7,9"C N with 2 binds of HE Light, CA II Engine for decent
speed. Bulkhead is the only armor you should use. There is no disp for Deck or Belt
armor that would make a real difference. You can still pack in decent amount of
bulkhead to stop losing sailors and prevent engine stalls and burning. With this
setup you can go against plenty of CA's and do some serious damage and can do
well against most CL's. Just try to keep out of close range, esp. with brooks. One
thing to remember is that the Mog CL can shoot almost straight ahead or rear with
all 5 guns, the angles are incredible on this ship, use them to good effect. Level 43
gunners with about 70% skill are great on these guns as well. Also, play in CL or
CL/CA games if you want good gun training. Do not go into CL/CA/BB unless you
enjoy being killed with 0 damage dealt out :) These games are just to fatten up the
BB's on defenceless CL and CA drivers out there.

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 05. 2006 02:56

This subjcet was here perhaps not 1000 times but a few dozens for sure.

1.DD/CL room

6.1"D (best reload), remaining disp bulge+bulkhead (avoid only z99 with 6.75")

2. CL room [no torp]

7.9"C D, remaining disp bulkhead only

3. CL/CA room [no torp]

7.9"C N or D and bulkhead only.

Now I explain why bulkhead only. Because IJN armor wont protect you from HA
whores like Oaklands or in CA games Countys/Surreys/Edinburghs with dual 8". With
recent boost to RN 8" duals you will be owned badly even with 900 dmg/shell @ max
angle. Crazy! Anyway BH is useful to take more damage without loosing speed
(when you put a lot of BH you will see on ship status [port] screen that red line is
much shorter than without BH). And your support should be average+ too. Going
with Mogami CL into CA rooms with SD less than 70-80 is suicide.

Now to 7.9"C N or D in CA game. You must decide, you want to rush enemy or take
some range. For range only N ver. But drawback is only 80 shells. It may look not too
much, but belive me you can easily do 20k+ attack. I used D version for some time
but I was owned badly by any CA. Then I switched to Ns and it was great, but you
must be really sure that you will hit something. Do not waste ammo !

And finally some ranges. I understand that no1 bothered to read prevoius post
about that, becasue I put this small range table for I dont know which time, 10,15?
hehe, Anyway here its:

7.9"B - 22.59, 23.94, 21.76
7.9"C - 24.15, 24.88, 23.01
8"E - 24.06, 25.83, 22.71
8"F - 25.29, 26.24, 23.94

Notice now much range you get using Ns in CA games.

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 05. 2006 01:54

darkwinter ffs DON'T play all games.. don't play anygames with CV.

Play CL only Mogami is king in it
Play CL/CA Mogami does great in it
Play DD/CL is none of the above is being hosted..

And your either lieing about the ddx owning a mogami with 3" or the guy was a total noob
cause i could eat the ddx for brekfast

  • Re : Mogami CL setup

    01. 05. 2006 01:42

LoL. Sry. I just got my mogami when i posted this thread. Sry CkaL. I know i'm in a
wrong forum, just trying to get the old birds to answer me =X


I manage to own a MOgami in DDX 3"70 before.. LoL. But my own mogami is quite
weak.. Gonna whore it after i finish brook.. LoL.. Tried the 7.9B D, it's gd ^^
And i manage to escape most DBs with the CA engine.. LoL. Quite worthwhile XD

To save my sailor's ass, add 5" bulk, 0.1" deck, 0.1" belt and 1" bulge? The rest save
up for speed?
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