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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • What should i do with this bo

    01. 04. 2006 21:47

My BO is neutral fast leveld and is now at hosho. Should I just make a new neutral
and level him up to best carrier or should I run mogami to get him up to the next

  • Re : What should i do with this bo

    01. 04. 2006 23:51

I suggest you use Mogami to level the BO up. Only 7 level to Ryujo, should not be hard for you.
Maybe your goal CV is Junyo or even bigger one. But as a user of Ryujo,I can tell you that
Ryujo, with the capability to carry 30 bombers and enough fighters for self protection, can
confront 99% CVs that exist in POW currently. Bigger CV got more plane space,but you really
don't need all of them for the most of time. Thats is just luxury. Plus bigger size is easy target
for enemy bombers.

  • Re : What should i do with this bo

    01. 04. 2006 22:24

o shut up spyder, u got a mogami CV already, i need a mogami CV as a stepping stone for my


  • Re : What should i do with this bo

    01. 04. 2006 22:11

you could give me all of your japanese possesions.