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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • They fixed the B.O bug!!!!

    01. 05. 2006 07:29

I am now the proud owner of a Tsukikai. It wouldn't let me have it before, but when I
logged on this morning at about 2:45am, I checked like I always do, and sure enough, my
next ship was the Tsuki, not the Tatsuda!! I love my new Tsuki, and so will everyone else.
I pwned some Z99's finally. Thank You TNF!!!

  • Re : They fixed the B.O bug!!!!

    01. 05. 2006 15:52

Yes, I had the first taste of Tsuki early this morning as well. Although having 5
sailors all at around lvl 27 to 29 onboard a Tsuki with 5x5.5 inch guns and fully
loaded 5 bounds each. does not leave any room for armor at all. but the long range
of the guns, especially if you use the light HEs more than conpensates for the lack of
armor as it out ranges many ships including some CLs.

Thank you Team NF, for rescueing many IJN players.

  • Re : They fixed the B.O bug!!!!

    01. 05. 2006 15:25

tsukikei is such an awesome ship.

  • Re : They fixed the B.O bug!!!!

    01. 05. 2006 11:12

your kidding? well, might be an incentive to level up my atsuki

  • Re : They fixed the B.O bug!!!!

    01. 05. 2006 11:01


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