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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • IJN celebration thread

    01. 05. 2006 12:41

Everyone is complaining or so it seems about the IJN.
I am in a mood to celebrate today. A little bit
Today was the first time that i reached more than 10.000 points in a Tsukikei. With
manual aim!
Today i forced an unknown DD to run because i out gunned him.
Today a Z-99 turned tail because i hit him twice and out ranged him.
Today i am in love with my Tsukikei.

Everyone else who is a happy IJN captain can join in and celebrate a bit.

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 09. 2006 03:56

Airfix, the OYO rocks for the lvl you get it at! Got it back when I was lvl 33, but 2
scouts and a TB pilot on it and went hunting! Normally got 10k+ damage each All
game. Not only can it launch planes, but also defend it self with 2x3x6.1' and torps!
A whole lot of fun I tell you! Glad I didn't listen to those people who said grind it out
till I get DBs. TBs rule if you know how to use them. After Agano, Oyo is like
heaven. And Mogami is even better. :-)

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 09. 2006 01:17

Well, i am looking forward to my Oyodo. I am leveling a new set of gunners because the
first set is crap and i am getting used to manual aiming driving my Tsukikei.
And yes, I have a RN crew now driving in a Q-class. No spread to talk of, one inch of belt
armour is actually useful and the torpedos s*ck. O.k. I am spoiled by the IJN torpedos.
BUT: I like a challenge. If everyone else shouts do not go IJN i give it a try.
IJN BBs are crap? Maybe but I am a low level casual gamer. And I have fun as an IJN captain.
This is a game. I am playing it to have fun. I have fun. Everything is o.k..
Today I am happy and I will complain tomorrow, maybe.

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 07. 2006 04:31

Yay I love celebrations! Thank you TNF for not nerfing us again this week and thanks
again for not "accidentaly' boosting the Brits gunrange so now they're still demi-
gods and thank you for trying to be0 nice by lieing to us that the gun ranges have'nt
been changed. I may just load FC shells on my Tsukikei and go around shooting
them!!! Yay! *Uh oh gtg the sarcasm police are on me*

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 06. 2006 14:09

they went on a journey and got lost when they went on the wrong ship

trying to get them back as i speak

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 06. 2006 12:17

Let's celebrate even if it's jsut to spite the TW or jap haters!!!! XD TAKE THAT YOU

I'll celebrate. lvl 38 fubu is doing ok for me. Too laggy for tatsuda though; have to test
my network.

PS: I bought a tastuda to see how bad it really is. Well, I'm finding it not m,uch
different from a TW z99; except, tw z99 has towps closer together, can fit 5 bulge, and
all slots filled, and STILL have the same 60 knot overburn I get in tats. -.-

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 06. 2006 12:01

Should i be happy i got 5 lvls left till yamato? ughhhhhhh

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 06. 2006 11:32

Im celebrating and im lvl 60 =.="


  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 06. 2006 11:11

Notice that everyone that is celebrating is maximum level 30 - 32. Can't wait to hear
them start complaining and crying when they hit level 40 and their options for the
future suck, lol.

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 06. 2006 11:10

Hooray my 14" guns are outranged outdamaged by the nation whose range is
suppose to be low, 4x14" outrange and outdamage and blockshot :P

Jap 14" Do nothing.

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 06. 2006 10:57

mix what happened???
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