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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • IJN celebration thread

    01. 05. 2006 12:41

Everyone is complaining or so it seems about the IJN.
I am in a mood to celebrate today. A little bit
Today was the first time that i reached more than 10.000 points in a Tsukikei. With
manual aim!
Today i forced an unknown DD to run because i out gunned him.
Today a Z-99 turned tail because i hit him twice and out ranged him.
Today i am in love with my Tsukikei.

Everyone else who is a happy IJN captain can join in and celebrate a bit.

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 05. 2006 15:22

i usually get over 25k attack in my tsukikei.

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 05. 2006 15:01

Well i am lvling way faster with my fubu that i was with my tsuki. so i could celebrate.

But knowing that if i go the cv line (with my tsuki captain) will lead me to nerfisme
And BB line (with my tsuki captain) Nerfisme -.-
And Torp line Tnf thinking about nerfing

I don't see a way out O_O nor to celebrate nor to fight with other nations.

but cheers xD

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 05. 2006 14:41

I really dont feel like we should celebrate.

  • Re : IJN celebration thread

    01. 05. 2006 14:23

eh? CV's have been nerfed even more, there is an ever present threat of torps being
nerfed for the third time and there are hardly any Jap BB's left? And you want to celebrate?
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