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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • New torps for my fubu? 90 vs 93 M1

    01. 06. 2006 12:12

lvl 36 now, or so, and I'm using type 90 4x launchers. I could now get the M1 3x. Besides
that I can see I'll 3 space total and have more shots, what's the different between type
90 and 93 M1? Trainwold doesn't mention damage or range or speed or I'm not looking in the
right place.

again, I have type 90 4x. Should I swtich to Type 93 M1 3x? What about when I get type 93
4x at lvl 42?

My torp style varies; usualyl I Get clsoe and use fast. In battles with 30 or more
players, I'll first do a slow torps wall, when move in for close and fast torping again
once they are reloaded. Suggesrions? comments?

  • Re : New torps for my fubu? 90 vs 93 M1

    01. 07. 2006 21:56

thanks for the info. Obviously, type 93 gives me three torpedo choices, and thus more
flexible, so i have switched; the new trop speed tohugh...oy, though faster and good, it's
like a bit like relearning a how to torp. :P

  • Re : New torps for my fubu? 90 vs 93 M1

    01. 07. 2006 13:02

i thnk you have the m1 and the m3 mixed up

  • Re : New torps for my fubu? 90 vs 93 M1

    01. 07. 2006 12:07

get the Mod one launcher. you have the choice between 3 types of torps:

M1: UBER dmg (for the level of course) of about 12K, slow speed, medium range <--good for
torp walling
M2: Medium dmg, uber speed (60 knots on fast), low range<-- good for close-in torping
M3: low dmg, medium speed, uber range<-- good for torp walling but when you hit you deal a
lot less dmg then with the M1.

because of that, you get more choice on how to torp and you get torps wich permit you to
hit more often (M2) since the ennemy has less time to dodge.

  • Re : New torps for my fubu? 90 vs 93 M1

    01. 07. 2006 07:40

i just torp whatever i see lol

ff, ndd anything

usually i use 1 torp spread (3 torps) per CL and lower i tried to torp. if get good at aiming like
that you can do more attack per game since you can make more use of all the torps

  • Re : New torps for my fubu? 90 vs 93 M1

    01. 07. 2006 07:33

If you are getting close enough to make a non-avoidable drop go for the fastest

For torp walls, anything that goes on for 15,000 is good enough, fast or slow. That
gives you enough room to make the drop and turn safely.

At lvl 34 I still use the type 8 torps, BTW.

  • Re : New torps for my fubu? 90 vs 93 M1

    01. 06. 2006 20:32

The type 90's do about 800 more damage than the M1's do too

I find the extra speed and range of the M1's more usefull though

  • Re : New torps for my fubu? 90 vs 93 M1

    01. 06. 2006 12:57

The speed of 3x Type 93 M1 Mod 2 is in my opinion more usefull than the spread of
4x Type 90. The extra range is also good to have, of course.

Here is the link you are looking for:

Your style is basically the same as mine, but I try to read the situation before torp
walling. Sometimes it's better to save the torps and go for the big ships before other
TW:s do. There are a lot of variables to consider before torp walling with a Fubu, like
clouds (it's easy to avoid the torps if they are spotted early by DD:s) and if you have
any ships in your team that might scare the enemies.

  • Re : New torps for my fubu? 90 vs 93 M1

    01. 06. 2006 12:37

3x Type 93 M1 mod2 is the best for the fubu
HE damage: 8074
Range: 16000- 8000
Speed: 46- 60

If you like make torp wall use the mod3

HE damge: 11535
Range: 28000- 14000
Speed: 27- 36

All that info is in trainworld