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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Jap CV vs BB

    01. 06. 2006 13:39

Compared to other nations and the growing population of NavyField. Would it be
best to us BB like the Kongo and Ise. Or a CV liek Junyo or Ryujo when compared to
other nations? I would also like to know which is most fun to fight other players with
since i have not used a actual BB or CV.

  • Re : Jap CV vs BB

    01. 14. 2006 01:01

Well, we do get CV hybrids which sorta make up for that. When ur outta planes go
charge and get urself killed.

  • Re : Jap CV vs BB

    01. 10. 2006 17:03

If you are planning on CV you might want to go KM or US since they get a useful
racial stat boost +2 Fighters. The +2 we get to bombers is basicly useless. In
addition our DBs are both the slowest and weakest structurely speaking. 2 of the
other Nations DBs outrun our fighters.... the list goes on. Keep in mind the guide
only said IJN has a good "selection" of CVs, not that CVs are our strongpoint. We
only get Torps for our strongpoint. Until the next nerf that is...

  • Re : Jap CV vs BB

    01. 09. 2006 17:34

IJN BBs are the easiest to bomb :D

Except Laoji's Yamato T_T

  • Re : Jap CV vs BB

    01. 09. 2006 16:46

Jap bbs are the first things I bomb. (Unless there is a kita or something.)

  • Re : Jap CV vs BB

    01. 09. 2006 14:18

go cv
our cvs are competitive
..our bbs.....hopeless
worst bbs(kongo,ise,fuso)..nagato is ok..but then not very good final bb
(outarmored,just good AA..veeery slow,slowest bb, somewhat not accurate, slower
rld than competition,ranged by KM, low SD,is food for pow).And also not very good
final final bb(same guns as normal Yamato)
so if you go BB line only 1 good bb for the whole line...

  • Re : Jap CV vs BB

    01. 08. 2006 14:03

Yamato have slighty more structrual strenght than Q for example 96 vs 75, buahaha.
Prince of Wales have 130, hahahahahaha. How much POW could withstand - see
Kuantan, 4 torps and bye, bye. Yamato got so many torps and bombs and finally
went down.

  • Re : Jap CV vs BB

    01. 07. 2006 04:33

If u go IJN BBs, consider the fact that the Yamoto has less structural strenght then a
US CA/BC and that IJN has crappy 2nd restorers

  • Re : Jap CV vs BB

    01. 06. 2006 22:09

lol, enwhyoo, you know your scared of the Ghetto Sled, :P.

  • Re : Jap CV vs BB

    01. 06. 2006 21:57


lol...who is that? nico?

  • Re : Jap CV vs BB

    01. 06. 2006 15:00

Japan CVs are just as good as every other nation's CVs, but Japan BBs suck. With
CVs, skill is needed to win, with BBs, just prepair your repair cost because you will
sink for sure. I'm just glad there's only 1 competent CV player on Bismarck now that
Archer left and Jinzo went missing and Delta disappeared that I'm actually afraid of
fighting, good thing he also has an Iowa BB.
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