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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • agano

    01. 07. 2006 11:41

What is the best configuration of a agano

  • Re : agano

    01. 10. 2006 07:01

3 Dual 7.9 C D with light He

No torps.

No armor.

Cl only or DD/Cl.

  • Re : agano

    01. 09. 2006 03:40

Oyodo is not really much of a grind. Contrary to everyone's advise, I got an Oyo
with TBs and I LOVED it. Routinely made 10k+ damage. DBs are too easy. TBs are
fun and cause a hell lot of damage. :-)

  • Re : agano

    01. 09. 2006 01:05

If your using Agano you should be playing DD/CL games not CL/CA because you simply cant
compete with most other CL's and CA's. Thats why I would use the triple 6.1" if you can.
Torps are a must for better exp on Agano so use them. I wouldnt worry about too much deck
armor just use belt and bulge. I would definitely stick to back of the herd and take
convienient shots until you get a chance to torp. Its a long grind to Mog so be prepared
for it, unless your going oyodo route which makes the grind even worse.

  • Re : agano

    01. 09. 2006 00:33

I used the same tactic as I did in the Kberg, stay behing tje DD line, and aim for the
opposing CL's, when someone comes close, just start a gunfight, and when they are
really close, torp them to crap.
ppl tend to forget the opposing ship has torps when they start fireing guns.

  • Re : agano

    01. 08. 2006 23:15

As a longtime Agano player, I have to say:

3x2x7.9B N with heavy HE
2x4xType 8 torps

The reason I use heavy HE is that your shots have to count when they hit. You
have only 6 guns with which to do damage.

On slow, the torps go forever. Read my post in the Agano guide. And stay as far
away from other ships as possible.

  • Re : agano

    01. 07. 2006 14:03

funny, I used 3x2x7.9"
and 2x4x type 8 torp tubes.

it's kinda hard to learn how to use it, but it doesn't really suck as bad as ppl say it

  • Re : agano

    01. 07. 2006 12:31

3x6,1 gun
2x5 type90 torp-tubs

  • Re : agano

    01. 07. 2006 11:49

use the search

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