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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Help! jap AA-gunner

    01. 07. 2006 12:41


I have 2 AA-Gunners (lvl 20 or 22) and i can only use one gun (dp gun)!
and they hit nothing!!! what is my problem?

  • Re : Help! jap AA-gunner

    01. 13. 2006 11:45

ok... thank's all!

  • Re : Help! jap AA-gunner

    01. 08. 2006 02:54

Really dont bother with single AA guns. Absolutely worthless, first OK set are 3" AA
but lack in range & in power.

  • Re : Help! jap AA-gunner

    01. 07. 2006 21:27

The "normal" angles described on the webpage linked by archer are the golden angles for
high flying planes speficially for that AA gun. The golden angle is the angle where your
shot remains at normal plane flying altitudes for the longest time. So there's some range
differences for each gun type, as their golden angles' range differs. And the low golden
angle shots on the website are for those low flying torpedo bombers.

The first decent AA gun are the rapid fire 2x3" at lvl 34. Then comes the plane sniping
guns 2x4.7" and 2x5" at lvls 36 and 48. So you have some leveling to do. And make sure
you're using manual aiming, and not auto. Since you can't control your gun angles with
auto aim.

  • Re : Help! jap AA-gunner

    01. 07. 2006 15:28


check out the 'golden angles' for that gun so you know what angle to set it at to hit planes..