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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 07. 2006 19:47

I wonder what would happen if TNF adds this ship :D


  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 11. 2006 06:18

It's not difficult to do - I take a base drawing (in this case the Yamato plan) and
resize and modify the ship with Adobe Photoshop. I had it down to the point where
I could push one of these out in about 30 minutes. I had a little library of each gun
size and it was just a question of copy and paste. Some I did reworks on from
feedback I got and others were pretty good straight from the original design I did.

LOL I never did a DD design, but I did do some kick a$$ CLs and CAs. I'll post some
today if I find the time.

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 11. 2006 05:12

@ foehammer if u realy draw those , u have some nice skillz maybe u can design a
jap z99 XD

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 11. 2006 03:57

how do you design such things on the computer?
Care to tell please?

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 10. 2006 20:11

if you looked on trainworld there 2 empty spots on ship tree after kitikami...maybe this
one could go into the BB (planning) slot...i mean if KM can have experimental
hybrid...cant IJN?

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 10. 2006 17:14

Oh yeah - both these ships were COMPLETELY made up by me - sorry guys! Japs
never even dreamed of these ships, lol!

If I find sometime I'll post some of the others I did like the Kii SBB, Fuzi SCA and
about 12 others of all classes You would LOVE the Hiryo SCV 1200 feet long - 360
planes on board!!! - Needless to say I had plenty of spare time at that point in my

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 10. 2006 17:03


I designed both of these ships - those are my drawings!

I had them on my old site Where the hell did you guys get them

You didn't put up the entire image of the Tosa - There is a canal running
longitudinally through the ship! And the bow launches Okha Kamikazi rocket planes,
lol!!! I used to create them and post them on the ship message board of j- to get the "Experts" feedback on design principles. Needless to say the
Tosa was laughed right off the message board, lol!

Just curious where you got them from.

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 10. 2006 13:06

interesting post. Actually the IJN did have a super battleship planned during the
ending of the war. It was codenamed Hull 111,Hull 797,Hull 798, and Hull 799 which
was layed down as a Super-Yamato class in Nov 7, 1940. It was found along with
the huge 20' guns that were going on it. The United States navy never showed its
plans because it is said the japanese burned them to keep anyone from taking the
ships advanced designs for themselfs. This would of been the ultimate Battleship
ever made, but the U.S Navy scrapped everything including the 20' guns all found in
Kure Navy Yard( Kure is the birth-place of the BattleShip Yamato which was one of
the biggest shipyards around to fit the Yamato.). It was almost 5-10 times what the
Musashi and Yamato would of been.

If you would like anymore info on this please let me know. :)

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 10. 2006 09:20

15 20" guns... dear lord....

I think we have found TeamNF's new ship >.>

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 10. 2006 08:54

Crazy! XD

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 09. 2006 08:49

@ eclipsetrb , Quad 14 is the only blockshotting bb gun , and Ypsylon that thing is
even crazier oO.
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