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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 07. 2006 19:47

I wonder what would happen if TNF adds this ship :D


  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 09. 2006 05:54

who wins is easy, its called block shot and brits are the only ones that have it. thats
why if and when a few more people in NF get yamatos u will see them turn to the
old japanese standby... Can you say super torp walls them things will make kitas
look like rowboats.

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 09. 2006 02:06

Guys have you notice one thing. @ lvl 119 [lvl for 20.1"] Super Yamato will be owned
badly. Check it:

SY: 6*20.1"
Montana: 12*16" or 18" [in TNF will scale down turrets]
Lion II: 9*18"
H-44: 12*14.96" or 8*16.5" or 8*20" if TNF will add 20 inchers for KM [and also about
20k more tons for armoring even if with not too good armor]

Perhaps our 20 inchers have a bit more range, but frankly 6 barrels vs 8,9,12. Who
will win?

I know lvl 119 is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay but this is quite clear I think.

And finally I could not resist to put it here:

Meet my new friend Tosa CVB, hehe

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 08. 2006 20:25

drools....... I WANT ONE!

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 08. 2006 13:56

@ Ypsylon Np mate ^^, i always try to find something that could help making IJn
better in Nf :P

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 08. 2006 13:43

And one other thing. Maddog thx to your post, you again proved my point from
varoius suggestion threads. Give IJN triple 20.1"!

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 08. 2006 07:01

The ship above seems to have sunk from A) Being a nice juicy target for US DBs and
B) Engine
over heat problems so would burn a big hole in ur pocket from the repair cost
and imagine how easy it would be to hit it...
In WW2 it sunk in the Sea of Japan near the island of Hosho...not even in the Pacific
or north of the Brit Commonwealth sad huh? Those AAA guns didn't help it or it was
that the US had uber DBs which would be cool...

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 08. 2006 02:32

Maddog I love your post. At least you cheered up some IJN BB line players :-]

Well awesome picture, but 8" guns as a secondary armament. This kind of stuff was
abolished before WWI.

I just want something more down-to-earth stuff:

20T slots!

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 08. 2006 02:20

USA wouldn't have ever let that thing get in range.
It would have been TB and DB to hell and gone.

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 08. 2006 02:04

The Yashima was just a plan imagine what would have happend if they completed it

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 08. 2006 01:24

did it really exist? or was it just a idealistic plan?
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