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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 07. 2006 19:47

I wonder what would happen if TNF adds this ship :D


  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 13. 2006 05:14

a library. share some with me please
please please please
you want a pretty please?
beg?:P :)
share with me thanks :p

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 12. 2006 10:59

Well, I took alot of engineering drafting in school and the first thing they teach you is
to NEVER measure the drawing for scale - line width plays havoc with correct
measurements and with such a small scale as this and the heavy lines of the
drawing itself it is next to impossible to get proper measurements.

As I said in an earlier post I find a plan drawing of an existing ship on the Internet. I
size that ship to the same scale of my other designs (1 pixel = 1 foot) and with
Adobe Photoshop I copy, cut, resize, rotate and paste different aspects of other
ships onto the one I am creating currently. I built a digital library with the elevation
and plan views of each weapon and used that to make the job easier. You have to
think like a ship builder as well: displacement, minimum length to width ratios (1:10
is minimal for smaller craft and CVs), gun clearance and magazine space. It really is
a technical art to design these ships - and alot of fun.

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 12. 2006 10:00

ok hanks for the clearing of my thoughts but i wonder if it is too scale, the guns are
still 2.45 feet wich amounts it to more than 20.1 inches. But overall it is a nice design.
A great monolitic testament to your enduring creativity in this unique and interesting
field. And i Ask humbly of you to teach me exactly what to get and how to do it.
Thank you. :)

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 12. 2006 06:18


The drawing is in imperial measurements hence the ' at the end of each value. The
ship is in feet not meters!!! You thought the ship was 1.2 kilometers long!?! That is
entirely impossible - I always tried to make the ships I designed kind of realistic.

Converted the ship is 365.76 meters in length - not 1.2KM, lol. That would be
around 3937 feet long!!!

At 1.2KM LOA the ship would have weighed more than 800,000 tonnes

Thanks man, you gave me a good laugh first thing in the morning - sorry that the
units were not clear...

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 11. 2006 20:01

well according to this drawing if it is realistic to scale, the guns will be 49 meters long
(barrel only)
while the total gun length of the turret and gun is 108 meters with that the height of
the ship will be 147-150 meters and the diameter of the guns is 2.45/6 meters wide.
it is almost impossible
and for per se, the ship with 147-150 meters in height must have at least 250
meters in beam if or to be in the safe side. 300meters plus. that was why the
original yamato was so wide. it was due to the guns and the height. that if it fired
the ship would have sunk if the beam was smaller than it originally is.
anyway i did my calculations according to the stated size of 1.2km
LOA 1200
Althought almost farfetched it is stilla beautiful ship. how about adding 4 triple
11inch turrets to the ship one in the middle starborad the other middle port and the
other 2 one front and back above the main turrets like the original yamato.:P

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 11. 2006 16:16

Not "you guys" - I drew the monster.

The guns would not capsize it the beam is 160" man! But as you said it would
probably be ripple fire. Do you see the tracks around the second and fourth turret?
I put that there so that the partially covered triple 25mm mounts could be rolled into
position when air strikes occured! They are partially covered since they would not
be fed from a magazine since they are movable and the gunners need some way to
get the ammo into the breech. All the AAW and DP guns that are completely covered
are completely covered to protect the gunners from the blast of the main battery.

I think the ship is too long and heavy swells would break the ships back. That was
the problem when I designed the Hiryo - the original design was 1600' LOA - I
lowered it to 1200", but the ship would still be severly stressed. Carriers also don't
have to worry about the structural damage that firing large caliber weapons cause
like BB do.

I would be REALLY interested to see you model. Kind of cool seeing a ship you made
up being remade into a model!

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 11. 2006 15:53

i found it on

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 11. 2006 15:37

well this ship has sparked interest and i am presently doing a layout design.
But according to structural enginnering ,the ship has to be wider becasue the recoil
of the gun would capsized it. Unless it had something like a independent gun recoil
system then the present width of the ship would be possible .and i think it sits too
low in the water. and the hull has to bear the stress of 15 20.1 inch guns firing at
the same time at maxim velocity. the stress would tear the hull apart and the ship
would blow itself up. but it is possible to move it. most probably with a nuclear
engine. anyway, you guys drew this or not? or did you just got them from

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 11. 2006 10:36

Here you go guys!

And sorry ypsylon, that's as detailed the Yashima gets... You are seriously going to
built the Yashima? That's cool - I'd like to see the final product.

Maddog where'd you get the pic of Yashima?

  • Re : If u thought that the yamato was uber look here :P

    01. 11. 2006 07:36

I find Tosa on one forum (I dont remeber name and link, sorry). They just argue
about which ship can defeat which, and some1 put Tosa there. I liked picture so I
saved on HDD, but Yashima is much more cool. And I know IJN never dreamed about
Yashima, I studing IJN past for really loooong time. :)

Frankly I decided to make model of it. I dont know which scale to choose but with
just enormous lenght I think it will be 1/200. And perhaps it will be just card board
waterline, because without plans, etc its too expensive to run something more
complicated (wood/steel).

All I need to start is some proper Yamato drawings of hull, then I will need just to
expand them a bit, hehe

If I converted corectly then 1/100: 3.60 meters x 0.54 m or 1/200 1.80 m x 0.27 m.
Big ship. :)

If you have something more pls put it on forum. Even if making such model isnt a
hard thing I find it some time ago that I have 2 left hands for CG job ;-]
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