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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Akitsukia Kai or Tsukikei

    01. 09. 2006 14:30

Dear NF:
How fast can I expect my AK to get up to with overheat speeds included?
Also, whats the best gun config at that speed? Should I wait for 2x 6"?
or stick with the 5.5s?

Finally, i like the torps of the AK. Is it worth going to the Tsukikei in terms of hitting
power? What kind of speed does the Tsukikei get?

I am still not confident enough of my manual aiming, so I continue to use auto. I am
willing to grind it out until level 28 (now at 25) with my BO until i get Agano...

Thanks for the words.

  • Re : Akitsukia Kai or Tsukikei

    01. 10. 2006 13:49

aki-kai is fun but tsuki is better
Agano is good for three things :
Use triple guns (need gunners lv 34 or more)
Remodel into oyodo
Feed the ennemy fleet !
So take tsuki or aki if you like torps and wait oyo if you want a cv or mogami

  • Re : Akitsukia Kai or Tsukikei

    01. 10. 2006 11:15

mitch you fool, the US Timmerman also doesn't have T mounts

  • Re : Akitsukia Kai or Tsukikei

    01. 10. 2006 09:28

tsukikei till mogami.. the end

  • Re : Akitsukia Kai or Tsukikei

    01. 10. 2006 09:22

If you are training a cv crew i suggest sticking with the akitsuki because it has more
sailor slots.

  • Re : Akitsukia Kai or Tsukikei

    01. 10. 2006 07:21

Depending on crew lvl.

Low lvl - 5*twin 5.5"L
Medium - medium high - 5* twin 5.5"N
High - 5*twin 5.5"D
Very high - 5*twin 5"L

Depending on playing style you can close or range ppl. Tsukikei is great for range
duels. With 5.5"L you will outrange/match range most of CLs. N still some CLs (Dido,
low lvl Sirius) will be at your mercy.

My advice: Dont rush. IJN arent made for that. Range ppl (HE light shells always), and
laugh @ them. Only tough opponent - Z99 with medium+ crew. Dont fit 6" duals.
There are 4 reason for not to do this:

1. Opponent knew that your crew is really low lvl
2. 6" are just uber heavy (D version ~180 tons)
3. 6" range is just pathetic when compared to 5.5". (1/3 less)
4. Even if prevoius 3 thing wont scare you enough, there is 4th thing: uber slow
reload - ~4 sec. Opponent will slice you easily (especially Q with triple 4" - you will
deliver 10 shells/4 sec, he 24 (2 salvo) in that time)

You can easily outrange Tsuki with 6" guns.

With really high lvl crew 50ish+ Tsukikei is really fun ship. All you shells often land in
one place, just like blockshot, hehe (of course you need also proper gunners).

  • Re : Akitsukia Kai or Tsukikei

    01. 10. 2006 05:45

Don't get Agano!!!

  • Re : Akitsukia Kai or Tsukikei

    01. 10. 2006 05:11

Well i would say Tuskikei. Its a powerful ships and i seen people sink Z99, DDX or
CLs with it. Good speed they have too. Akits Kai is too slow for me LOL.

  • Re : Akitsukia Kai or Tsukikei

    01. 09. 2006 16:16

Agano hull is 167k i believe.

And go Tsukikei (been made famus for being the only nation ships without a T mount) <---LOLOLOLOL


Akitsuki kai with a right lvl torper can hold the x5 Type 90s which can own if you use them right

Tsukikei has good speed, can pwn with dual 5.5,

I suggest Tsukikei (if not bugged, if is go AKI-KAI)

  • Re : Akitsukia Kai or Tsukikei

    01. 09. 2006 15:18

Tsukikei is a devastating ship, ive often brought down Z99s in mine after a broadside

they can fit the DD3 engine so u an expect better speed

and the 5 mounts i used 5.5"Ds can easily make up for lack of torps doing 200-300
dmg a shell sometimes

  • Re : Akitsukia Kai or Tsukikei

    01. 09. 2006 15:02

How much for agano hull?