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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Kamikaze planes?

    01. 10. 2006 17:37

Well, according to ww2, jap uses small planes to destory big ships.
this would add a factor to let pple to love jap ships :)

  • Re : Kamikaze planes?

    01. 12. 2006 07:44

what about a single ultra ega canon in one ship.

like 1 meter radio..

kaboom .-.

  • Re : Kamikaze planes?

    01. 11. 2006 20:32

1st level dive bomber is D1A1 type 96
2nd level dive bomber is D3A1 type 99
so 3rd level dive bomber is D4Y Comet.

1st level fighter is A5M4 Type 96
2nd level fighter is A6M2 0 Model 21
3rd level fighter is A7M1 Hurricane
fourthly level .... J7W ? lol

0.5 level torp bomber is M6A Mountain Haze (Seiran)
1st level is B5N1 Type 97
2nd level is B6N2 Type 12 Heavenly Mountain
3rd level ...B7A Shooting Star ?


  • Re : Kamikaze planes?

    01. 11. 2006 19:57

ive seen a divebomber squad divebomb but then crash on sleepy's deck..killing his ship.

because after they dropped bombs he has like 300 dp left, then when the planes crashed,
they killed him lol

  • Re : Kamikaze planes?

    01. 11. 2006 17:55


planes do like 70 dmg

they cant even sink a dd if they want to lol

  • Re : Kamikaze planes?

    01. 11. 2006 16:37



  • Re : Kamikaze planes?

    01. 11. 2006 01:37

it could also be an option, if you're out of bombs or torps, to send your rookies out
on a kamikazi mission, they could make a nice little button on the controll manu
saying "kamikazi" and then ur planes would take off all togethere for the biggest
target and fly straight into it.

  • Re : Kamikaze planes?

    01. 10. 2006 18:11

actually this can be you raise a rookie to a certain lvl and class
change him into kamikaze pilot, then all of his stats are severly degraded (perhaps -10
bmbr ftr air) from then on you can buy kamikaze planes, but each time you use them you
have to sacrifice 30-40 sailors on the pilot.
And the more experts you sacrifce on a kamikaze pilot, the more damage you do, if you
sacrifce recruits you have inferior damage, and if you sacrifice vets you get crits...

  • Re : Kamikaze planes?

    01. 10. 2006 18:04

no no no no, and no.

Thank you for your time,