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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • What lvl is needed to enter the Jap Navy fleet ?

    01. 11. 2006 16:47

Please answer, thx a million in advance?

In understood that everone new. has to start 1st at Bismarck, is that true?


  • Re : What lvl is needed to enter the Jap Navy fleet ?

    01. 14. 2006 01:24

I would't reccomend that you enter the IJN because of the following:
"Torpedos are their specialty"---->many "no torpedo whore" rooms
"Weak armour"--->explains itself
"Large CV variety"--->notice it said "variety" and not"firepower"
"Good gunners"--->an OK aspect but a gunner is as good as his gunship and the
the IJN gunships suck and the BBs are the worst in the game.

Instead go Brit, which is the exact opposite of the IJN with best armour and bad
torpedos, the USN with good CVs and is all rounded and has the DDX, which is a
menance in the right hands or the German KM, with good range and fast DDs.

  • Re : What lvl is needed to enter the Jap Navy fleet ?

    01. 13. 2006 06:55

Mission 3 and 4. Move to area where mission can be play - e.g. Area 24. And one
thing to make clear. Mission 3 is 2nd on list and Mis 4 is 3rd on list. Ppl calling
missions by lvl required to play, so it could be confusing.

Click one spot and make a room. Choose Mission Tab in window that appear. Then
you will see list of missions. First mission is boring and take long time to finish
because you need to wait till computer allow you to pass it. Mission 3 & 4 (missions
are called Practice mission or something like that) are two. You can play Mission 3 till
lvl 15 I think and Mission 4 till lvl 18 or something like that.

Bismarck server is oldest where the most of high lvl players is from begining of NF (or
almost). Majority of Veterans could help you (and of course own you LOL). Of course
even here you will find some jerks & other scum, but I'm quite sure that in far smaller
numbers than on others servers. Just be nice, dont insult ppl, DO NOT SPAM, and
avoid friendly fire @ all cost.

  • Re : What lvl is needed to enter the Jap Navy fleet ?

    01. 12. 2006 19:52


admthor, by the way Bismarck server is not necessarily "for beginners"

It was the first server that existed, meaning that it has many higher level players in
battleships and carriers, however Iowa server is the newest and thus has many Destroyers
and light cruisers still..

  • Re : What lvl is needed to enter the Jap Navy fleet ?

    01. 12. 2006 16:21

Please clarify, whats mission 3 or 4, where can I find them, and where to answer,
please answer, thx.

  • Re : What lvl is needed to enter the Jap Navy fleet ?

    01. 12. 2006 01:13

I agree with mix for most part. Reach lvl 12, convert guys to BO, gunners, etc. Then
move to noob area or e.g. Area 24 where you can play missions, and play mission lvl
3 or 4 in NDD. Mission are great for experts gaining, and of course learn manual firing
from the start!

When playing missions remember to move. I know that in Mis 3 you can kill all
opponent from one place but if you not moving (@ ~20 kts) you will get 0 exp. Just
play mission and you will get decent ammount of cash. For example: Mission 3 give
each of your guys 100-127 exp and 500 credits /game without any problems and
damages. So playing 40 times you have 20k credits more.

I say stick with mission til lvl 16. @ lvl 16 you will get dual 5" guns for Kagero. It mean
you will need to play mission 3 or 4 for ~ 150 times. It may sound like boring thing,
but you will need credits.

  • Re : What lvl is needed to enter the Jap Navy fleet ?

    01. 11. 2006 17:26

go jap at lvl 12 so you can get the bonus sailor growth

play in ndd till lvl 14 then get a jap ship so you can use their first lvl 14 triple torps

and 2-4 hours... depending on how much exp per lvl. if you play in nub area and get the max
exp of 250 exp per game, i would say about umm 3 days at the most?

i got to lvl 12 in 1 day about 6 hours of playing non stop before in the nub area

  • Re : What lvl is needed to enter the Jap Navy fleet ?

    01. 11. 2006 17:02

Thx, thats why the japs once in the WWII called themselves superior to other
nations, or more like as in imperial, just like the name of this jap navy room.

Thx for your advice, I am now at just lvl3 now, so how long does it take to reach lvl
14 than, in average according to ur assement, with roughly about 4-6 hours of
gameplay a day?

I just started with NF 2 weeks ago.

Thx in advance, cheers.

  • Re : What lvl is needed to enter the Jap Navy fleet ?

    01. 11. 2006 16:50

Basically, at ANY nation, it's best not to enter nations at lvl 12, but at lvl 14. The
reason is because all the decent stuff (in Japan's case, the torpedoes) are all unlocked
at lvl 14. In my opinion, stick to the neut DD until ur lvl 14.