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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Starting as Jap

    01. 12. 2006 09:55

Im looking at starting to play the Japanese, btu im gonna start it at the CL level.
whcih one should i go with?

  • Re : Starting as Jap

    01. 15. 2006 04:09

all i have to say is that if you do decide to go jap gun line, MISSION WHORE! I mean like
to no end, its the difference between life and death. Unless you are prepared to spend 3
weeks mission whoring, don't bother going jap because it will be nothing but pain. A very
good spread is needed to kill quick, jap guns have good damage but with the lack of armor
and soft defence, you don't last long in a firefight.

  • Re : Starting as Jap

    01. 13. 2006 05:03

Mogami CA owning all others except Prinz Eugen and PS with 11". At least it should
own... with recent boost to RN 8" duals you will be kicked badly by Surreys and
Countys :(

Pepsi why not? I love some food hehe.

I knew few powerlvled CAs (most Hippers via old Op. Convoy system) and when I
see one I always place myself on opposite team, hehehehe

  • Re : Starting as Jap

    01. 12. 2006 21:25

How can you start at CL?

Is he gonna be an idiot and power lvl up some neuts? lol DON'T DO THAT.

  • Re : Starting as Jap

    01. 12. 2006 20:03

Id have to disagree with that, the mog CA is a good ship and others have had good
sucess with the Myoko. The gun arcs on these ships SUCK and the mog ca
outranges the Myoko due to mog's ability to take the 8"FL guns. Ive delivered some
great criticals with my mog ca, best being a 6800 on a US ca, portland I think, killing
18 rookies. Ive also got a couple of 3200 criticals as well.

The kongo is pretty much a cruiser killer and not much else. The Ise and Fuso have a
great punch but are god awful slow....with the added benefit of that amazing Jap

But seriously, you should reconsider your choice, Jap gunline is anything but
satisfying or fun.

  • Re : Starting as Jap

    01. 12. 2006 16:29

If you go IJN gunline stock up on patience and anger management routines. While
the mog is a very good CL the next decent ship is the nagato at lvl 77. So you get a
very expensive CL at lvl 39 and then you have pretty much nothing good until lvl 77.
Which is an extremely long grind in IJN gunline.

  • Re : Starting as Jap

    01. 12. 2006 14:29

if you do that u wont have as good a range to see ur shells making thinfs harder 4 u
so i still wouldnt advise it

TW in a kagero if u hvae to or anyway tsuki is an awesome ship so just play from
start of gunline

  • Re : Starting as Jap

    01. 12. 2006 11:54

lvl 39, not 38. But yeah, get mogami.

  • Re : Starting as Jap

    01. 12. 2006 11:26

well if your going to start off as a cl start off at lvl 38.. and get the mogami

  • Re : Starting as Jap

    01. 12. 2006 10:13

probablly the gun line, as im only gonna have a BO to start with, gotta lvl up soem
other sailors.

  • Re : Starting as Jap

    01. 12. 2006 10:00

wouldnt advise that but

do u wanna go TW(dead end unless u hiding some high lvl gunners) or gunline(leads
to CVs too)