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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Gunline or TW line

    01. 12. 2006 22:31

Is taking the Gunline better or taking the TW line better?

  • Re : Gunline or TW line

    01. 13. 2006 08:29

I would say that Ipity's suggestion is pretty reasonable.

Torp line is much faster exp than gun line. BUT it gets a bit dull hehe.
Definatly keep an unassigned jap sailor or neut on your fubu lvling up till at least
40+ so that you can make im a BO in the gun line when you simply cant stand
TW'ing any longer. Waiting till 46 would be good but if you can stand it.... wait till 60
and get a really sexxy CV.

Or if you want... lvl up 2 BO's. convert one at 39 for mogami for some gun battles
while pushing another one on to 60 for the best CV line.

will give you some variation in your game play.


  • Re : Gunline or TW line

    01. 12. 2006 22:43

Go TW line, but keep a neutral sailor on the Fubu throughout it, then use this neut
for a gunline BO once he gets to Hosho. Then you can skip Odoyo and get right to
the real CVs. Dont forget to lvl up pilots