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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • 8"F L

    01. 14. 2006 01:51

Now i've been using this particular Model of 8" since i got the mogami CA. now i've
been noticing i've been getting ranged by yorks(Gold Bars)... i must be doing
something wrong or i must be getting really close to them... could you tell me what
i'm doing wrong?

  • Re : 8

    01. 14. 2006 23:07

Dude don't uyou understand use Mogami CL with 7.9"C D till Yamato its that easy..

Mogami Cl is the best ship we got :s

  • Re : 8

    01. 14. 2006 21:52

that's what i'm using He - light. so the 8" triples are ranging me... ugh..i might as well
go back to the tsukiki...cause if i keep getting rushed when i play the cl/ca/bb games.
did they up the 5"/54's range as well? 8"F L's are starting to piss me off. i'm goin
back to the triple 6.1.

  • Re : 8

    01. 14. 2006 18:57

If you are getting ranged by yorks, they are using the 8" twin, same gun thats on
the 'titanic'. That would be the gun TNF made uber but dont know how and either
cant or wont fix it.

Yet another reason to scrap your Jap and go Brit.

I get shot up all the time while engaging at max range in my mog ca by the brit 8"
twin....which would be why I know also have a lvl 28 brit BO and crew.

  • Re : 8

    01. 14. 2006 02:49

No you should not be getting ranged by york. Use light HE not heavy. Even with Heavy HE
you should still outrange York by a little. that is unless tnf screwed the japs again.