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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Japanise Aircraft Carrier

    01. 14. 2006 21:12

Whats the strongest Aircraft Carrier, What lvl Must i be to get it, how many ships
does it launch, how much is it, and whats the best combination of ships for it?
If you answer... thanks.

  • Re : Japanise Aircraft Carrier

    01. 15. 2006 04:25

A lot of people give the Hiryu too much credit. Yes it has a lot of planes space but it
launches the same number of planes as Indy, and Collosus. 7 bombs will sink all cv's but
the big ones, aka Yorktown, Ark Royal, sometimes Graf Zepplin, and etc etc. A good cv
player can compete with Graf with a Ryujo or Hiryu. But an average cv player will get
owned. But anyway the unbelievable turning radius of Yorktown gives it a huge advantage at
the CV3 level. But Ark Royal and Illustrious have the advantage of good deck armor. So I
would say Yorktown is best CV at that level.

  • Re : Japanise Aircraft Carrier

    01. 15. 2006 03:54

Brit Courageous is CV3, IJN Unryu CV2, see the difference? Now take Courageous
vs. Hiryu...

  • Re : Japanise Aircraft Carrier

    01. 15. 2006 03:26

So the Brit lvl 73 carrier can launch 9 planes while the IJN lvl 72 carrier can only
launch 7? Can't say I'm the least bit surprised though.

  • Re : Japanise Aircraft Carrier

    01. 15. 2006 01:59

CV is a lot of skill. You can have a CV 3 but get owned if you don't know how to use

  • Re : Japanise Aircraft Carrier

    01. 15. 2006 01:29

if you want best CV play in all game , run shinano (IJN 100 level) if you want best
clan war CV, run shokaku (IJN 95 level) or Malta Project (UK 98 level) or Europa
(KM 95 level)

40-50 level best CV: Independence (US 55 level)
60-70 level best CV: Graf Zeppelin (KM 65 level) or Yorktown ( US 65 level)
70-80 level best CV: Illustrious (UK 73 level)
80-90 level best CV: Ark Royal (UK 85 level) or Taiho (IJN 83 level)
90-100 level best CV: Shokaku (IJN 95 level) or Lexington (US 94 level) or Europa
(KM 95 level) or Malta Project (UK 98 level).

if you count plane advantage , KM own all other 3 at 80 - 90 level CV , in 60-70
level , UK
and US have same advantage. IJN .... live by stealth at oyodo to hiryu ....

  • Re : Japanise Aircraft Carrier

    01. 14. 2006 23:19

Trainworld = Life in NF

  • Re : Japanise Aircraft Carrier

    01. 14. 2006 21:48


Hope this helps,

  • Re : Japanise Aircraft Carrier

    01. 14. 2006 21:21

ships... A I R S H I P S... aka airplanes...

  • Re : Japanise Aircraft Carrier

    01. 14. 2006 21:17

i dont know of any Aircraft Carriers that can launch ships . . . do the math for urself