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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Kongo - Is it truely a bad ship ?

    10. 20. 2005 08:37

Many times the Kongo is on the end of abuse from a lot of players, as they are massively disappointed at what they are given for their level.

All i aim to find from this thread is :

Is it truely a bad ship ? Should i train a BO for other nations if i want a good ship, or does it just recieve more than its due in bad press ?


  • Re : Kongo - Is it truely a bad ship ?

    10. 20. 2005 13:08

It isnt terrible as long as you play with other BC1s/BB1s...

It is a weak ship and it wont get any better until Nagato... but it is still a BB and BBs are the most fun ship in the game to play...

  • Re : Kongo - Is it truely a bad ship ?

    10. 20. 2005 12:10

daidoy and cnbl are some good kongo players

  • Re : Kongo - Is it truely a bad ship ?

    10. 20. 2005 11:42

No, its not as bad as you may think. I personally didnt mind it after the 1st week. You get a nice size engine space, the range is lacking, but you soon learn its not about sailing in a straight line, and you need to plan your shots. a Kongo can deal a nice chunk of damage. It's all in how you play it, and to correct you Not ALL Jap BB's Suck till nagato, the Fuso/Ise is not bad, ESPECIALLY with 16". Our range is lacking but the damage we can put out can benefit us alot. You need to play in the shadows, and make it never hurts to pull back :).

  • Re : Kongo - Is it truely a bad ship ?

    10. 20. 2005 10:06

lemme translate
dont even bother u will die

  • Re : Kongo - Is it truely a bad ship ?

    10. 20. 2005 08:55

All Jap BBs suck until Nagato because of short range and low damage.

  • Re : Kongo - Is it truely a bad ship ?

    10. 20. 2005 08:47

kongo has horrible range and gunspace.. stick in mogami CA or myoko till your next ship.. unless your gunners are extremely good and high level of around HUGE gunners then the kongo will jsut be a tool to give other players exp...

  • Re : Kongo - Is it truely a bad ship ?

    10. 20. 2005 08:44

Ill just say this...a kongo player ive recently played with said he was outranged by an eugen...
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