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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • after the kuma at level 38

    02. 02. 2006 14:20

I have two BOs.
My tw bo is at level 38, and i hear the kuma sucks, so i am not working on him

My gun bo is at level 30, and the agano sucks at that level (gunners at 30 and 29),
so i am working to oyodo.

Question: do i get the mogami CL at gunline 39 or at tw level 39 or both?

I might just work through one more level of tw in the fubu (no simas soon) to get to

Also, how can i get the most out of my fubu and levelling? do i need another level 19
bo to get higher exp? some ships i torped and got 0 credits....

Should I keep my level 35 torp men for this, or start with new torp men to level
other sailors as well?

I need pilots for the oyodo most of all, but i am bored with the fubu....


  • Re : after the kuma at level 38

    02. 02. 2006 14:53

your two bo's are separate. You have to continue with the gunline bo to get mogami. TW bo
wil move on to kuma kai and kita.

In fubu, I don't know what your style has been, but maybe you want to continue with it
until lvl 42 when you get kuma kai.

it's up to you how you want to fubu. personally I has m93 torps, using mod 2's for close
range, had 5 - 10 bulge, and th'ats about it. you can put more if you want; the reason I had
little bulge was because i was using fubu to lvl up soe other sailros as well, so I was
getting heavy and my overburn speed was only 52.

However, now that you have m93 torp launchers, you may want to try out torp walling with
mod 3 like a small kuma. "scout" enemy team before game starts and see wher the big sihps
are, see if freinly scouts ingame confirm, and fire a torp wall on slow way ahead of them
and hope they git someone; you should already know a bit about mod 3 torps fomr just
wathcing kuma kais and kitas. It'll take a while to learn how to find good area to torp
wall and how to lead you target so that the torp hit something good like 1 wohle minute i
nthe future lol, but once you get it, youcan start tacking up some nice xp. I was more
exily getting 2k - 3k that way.