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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • O'K lets talk about Mogami CL!!!

    02. 03. 2006 00:48

Have MogCL with 7.9CD and 5 bulk armor and 1.8" deck armor with 76 SoftDefence
Post yours recomendations about that ship , tactics and equipment please.

  • Re : O'K lets talk about Mogami CL!!!

    02. 03. 2006 08:52

Use HE light & AP (they have the exact same ranges so they exact same angles, so you don't
have to learn 2 sets of angles). And when you've expended 1/2 of you ammunition, you
still have long range. So you're always a ranged threat against opponents, you never want
to lose that range advantage as many other ships can quickly capitalize if you don't
(Atlantas HA within 1" of our range, Mpros can range us by 1/2", Clevelands with 8"s are
just short buy a lil bit).

7.9" C D vs 8" E D
7.9"s have one bind more ammo (you'll be missing quite a lot at range), and weigh less
(for better speed).
8" have better spread, and little bit more range.

You don't need 3 scouts. Most you ever need is 2 if you're playing around with the rufe
fighter scouts (search fighter scouts for more detail)

Search the forum for more about the Speed whore build (which is my own build but my crew
is fatter and I only go 33/48) as you can run from slower opponents and rush opponents
with longer range (*Note: Many long range players do not know their angles well between
max and 20 degrees -especially against a fast rushing mog - so if you dash in/dash out
between that threshold and know your angles better than they do, you should come out on top).

  • Re : O'K lets talk about Mogami CL!!!

    02. 03. 2006 08:48

I spend my days hosting Cl only games on bismark now i can tell you when my teams losing
cause of the nature of my ship im the last one left.. 2 binds of Light he doesn't cut it.

At least with that 1 Bind of AP you really don't lose any range but with heavy you will.

+ i find the dmg with light he just fine.. i doubt the dmg on the heavy isd really that

Its more of an ammo issue then anything + AP is mroe valuable.

But hey man where not here to debate whos configs is better we have thrown our ideas so yeah.

Just remember.. AP might not come into many uses against CL but when you get into a bad
angle(Around 20-25) with HE against a cleve AP comes in handy.

  • Re : O'K lets talk about Mogami CL!!!

    02. 03. 2006 08:39

Problem with only one scout pilot is when it comes home to refuel... can leave you
for 30 secs to 1 min blind... if not more.

In regards to never use HHE... well so far i have found it very usefull. there are times
when you just CANT get to stay at max range... so every little bit of damage to kill of
the opposition helps.

In regards to never losing vets against brooks etc etc... well i wish i was you lol. I
have lost a fair few.

Yes i know Mog is a long range CL.
But the range on HHE is only 1-2" less than LHE, and when you are in amoungst
several firendlies... NOT taking fire and well within max LHE range... whats the harm
in switching to HHE for that extra bit of damage? they aint shooting at me... so
where is the harm in pumping out more DPS ?

I dont really see the reason to totaly discourage people from useing some HHE
ammo. there will be many many times when you are not fighting at ultimate max
range... and this is what HHE is good for.

Yes... encourage mog drivers to stay out of fist fights with other CL's, i totally agree.
But from my experience, HHE definatly has it's uses for a mog driver.

  • Re : O'K lets talk about Mogami CL!!!

    02. 03. 2006 06:41


31 is slowest mogami.... 34-49 is speed whore.. ok? i can do 35/51 if i take off some bulk

"What pepsi is getting at is speed whore it & always fight at your max range."

I get sick of repeating my self tho.

Stone NEVER use Heavy HE... Mogami CL up close with light he does 500-550 normal dmg..
which is good enough

USE 3 BINDS OF LIGHT HE(If your a good Mogami you will need all the ammo you can get)
1 BIND OF AP(You never know when your gonna need this.. sometimes your mog gets in a bad
angle so AP will be more usefull then Light he)

31 knots is just too darn slow how can you lose vets if you they can't you.. Brooks,Mpros
guns are weak when it comes to killing sailors.. never lost a vet to a brook/sirius i lost
1 vet to sparkys mpro ONCE.

My mog gos 34/49 no need for the armour m8, nor do you need 3 scout pilots lol itsd
overkill i put 2 repairers and 1 scout. Only need about 4bulk.

Remember your a range CL you shouldn't have ammo for close up.

  • Re : O'K lets talk about Mogami CL!!!

    02. 03. 2006 05:09

noobsailor atlanta does 31 also with full displacement and most speed whore
mogamis do 31 as well.....

  • Re : O'K lets talk about Mogami CL!!!

    02. 03. 2006 04:11

what i find as a very good set up for mog is..

Armour... well personal preferance.
I went for 1" deck and i think 10 bluk ( just to stop vets dieing basically )
I run at 31 normal 45 overheat.

Guns 7.9c/d
Ammo 2 binds LHE 2 binds HHE

LHE for range.... HHE for dealing with close range ships ( when the bad guys are
fireing at someone esle on your team mainly )

always have 2-3 scout pilots on board for constant OOR visibility.

My gunners are fairly decent now... 80%-100% bar on each, a manage to fairly
consistantly come out in top two/three atk in each game. putting between 10-27k
out most games.

Basically, the most important thing for mog drivers it MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT THE
BEST TARGET FOR THE ENEMY, if you find yourself getting beat up on and other
friendly ships are near you... TURN AWAY, make the enemy target your team
instead... they can take the punishment... you cant.

In CL only games.... best way to start is rush Southeast/west. Get below the enemy
and make them come to you... if a ship is coming towards you, you gain a good 1-2
CM on your range = free damage.


  • Re : O'K lets talk about Mogami CL!!!

    02. 03. 2006 01:39

What pepsi is getting at is speed whore it & always fight at your max range.

  • Re : O'K lets talk about Mogami CL!!!

    02. 03. 2006 00:52

Lose the deck apart from lessening the risk of sailors dieing it does nothing

7.9"CD is better then 8"E D
1 2