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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Q on lvling up pilots

    02. 04. 2006 07:27

Do scout pilots loose out on ability gain if they are lvled up on a TW? Or should I do
it the slow way on my mog cl/ca ?

  • Re : Q on lvling up pilots

    02. 05. 2006 04:54

i think no prob lvlin up your pilot with tw's. just dont forget to change class in time.

  • Re : Q on lvling up pilots

    02. 04. 2006 22:07

I have 5, all lvled up to scout at the right time. Lowest is lvl 28, highest is lvl 41 (this
one is heading for DB)

One is riding on my Tsuk/TW or my mog cl, mog ca has two scouts and my TW runs
with 3 and my in progress cv BO (lvl 36 now). I regularly rotate them around to give
them 'flying time', not sure if it makes a difference. Although I do notice that when
they arent flying, I dont loose experts. The low lvl ones only fly on the mog cl
though, otherwise they get crap exp.

  • Re : Q on lvling up pilots

    02. 04. 2006 19:27

Hi hip!

If you leveling up them like neutrals, they can grow faster, but less experince.
If you leveling them like, neutrals, than special, than rookie pilot etc. they can have
the same experts on TWs, like on CL/CA. Thats my opinion.
I used them on both ways.
But i think the second one works.

  • Re : Q on lvling up pilots

    02. 04. 2006 07:32

I would split it up between the Mog and the tw. That is unless you plan on using it for a
db or fighter, in that case you need it to have as many experts as possible. However they
can still be effective even without alot of experts, just expect them to get shot down alot.