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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • best guns for Mogami

    02. 26. 2006 12:17

what guns are best for mogami CL, im lvl 47, and using hosho right now, however i
will get Mogami CA at lvl 50, just to continue using guns
which guns are the best for the mogami CL, and the CA?

  • Re : best guns for Mogami

    03. 01. 2006 13:47

Never use the triple 6.1" unless you're MWing. The 6.1" AA is crap (slow reload and low
damage - takes 2 to 4 shells to hit before a plane goes down), and when you're using
normal shells you are well within range of other ships that can hit harder and take damage
better (Edins, & Brooks).

As the others previosly stated, use the 7.9"C D for the Mog CL, and the 8"F Ls for the Mog CA

  • Re : best guns for Mogami

    02. 27. 2006 15:36

dun forget the 6.1x3 for aaing lol

  • Re : best guns for Mogami

    02. 26. 2006 12:40

Mog CL
7.9"/ 50 Type 3C D with 4 binds
is what i always used good range short rld
8"/ 50 Type 3E D with 3 binds
are also good i used them few times they much heavier than the 7.9" and have just
a little tiny bit less range than the 7.9"

so... up to u really
but these are my two choices

  • Re : best guns for Mogami

    02. 26. 2006 12:39

The guns you MUST use on mog cl is : dual 7.9 C D with 3 binds light he and 1 bind
ap . And the mog ca is at lvl 52 the best guns for it are the 8F L.