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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Kongo

    02. 26. 2006 19:50

Im about 70k exp away from Kongo and after searching this forum for posts
regarding it, I found a few Q's pop up.

Is the 12.2 L still believed to be bugged? Does it still have the range of the N?

Does the 14 N have the same range as the 12 L and how many binds will it have?

  • Re : Kongo

    03. 03. 2006 14:51

14n are the best guns for the my opinion. but be prepaired to be ranged
by ca's.

  • Re : Kongo

    03. 03. 2006 12:58

Thank you Blink, that was very helpful, you be da man!
I use the 12.2 L on my Kongo, I find it to be the best balanced gun for what I use
he ship for. I find that the Kongo is most effective in All Welcomes with either 4.7" AA
guns or 5 tube torpedo banks in the T slots. The guns are just not long enough for
the BB/CA/CL games unless you are very careful. If you are really good with your
angles, I have seen evil people place the 16" gun on the Kongo, if you get hit with
that you will disappear from the screen.

  • Re : Kongo

    02. 28. 2006 08:26

My IJN Torp line BO is already 49.

So what you thinking i need a neut BO for deso?

I want the BO to lvl my pilots faster for my CV. Leveling them in Mog CA is

that and the fact i find myself craveing a BB atm hehe.


  • Re : Kongo

    02. 28. 2006 07:19

do you have a nuet for it stoned?

  • Re : Kongo

    02. 28. 2006 00:23

Well i have decided to make Kongo my first BB.

Reasons three fold...
1) I have my gunners... pretty decent... they are waisted on a mog CA :p
2) I need a decent way to levell up my pilots for CV, and im getting bored of Mog
CA :p
3) Im too impatient to work on my 37 UK BO when i have a 49IJN BO just sitting
there hehe.

Will be able to start with the 14"L's i thnk ( depending on gun space ) so hopefully I
will be able to compete. /cross's fingers


  • Re : Kongo

    02. 27. 2006 13:14

Thanks for the replys guys.

XAssasinX, a Kongo with guns, engine, FCS and without secondary guns will be at
least 1.2 mil before armour.

  • Re : Kongo

    02. 27. 2006 09:44

well the jap bb line is not jsut have to use what i'd liek to call jap tw
tactics.. you have to use the speed of your ship to an advantage and flank them

  • Re : Kongo

    02. 27. 2006 07:10

ATM I have a choice between taking my 48 IJN BO to BB level first... or swapping to
my 37 UK BO on Edin Line.

On IJN My gunners are already lvl 60

Is it "worth" going IJN BB line ( they dont compare well to other nations ) or is it best
to go RN.... i been planning IJN CV and RN BB so far.


  • Re : Kongo

    02. 27. 2006 06:54

I use the 14" N and have to say that ATM i like my 14s better than 12.2s

  • Re : Kongo

    02. 27. 2006 06:20

very good blink Gotta love range shots,leaves nothing more to be said...I was
wondering how much the Kongo will cast.Armor and all?
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