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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • How many support sailors will i need on bb2 bb3 and bb4 levels?

    02. 28. 2006 08:29

I currently have 2 restorers, 2 repairers , 1 seaman, 1 pilot and 1 engeener will it be
enough for example to yamato ?

  • Re : How many support sailors will i need on bb2 bb3 and bb4 levels?

    02. 28. 2006 19:10

If they are not base 11 or 12, you should start new restorers or buy some that
werent power lvl'd in a TW prior to being made restorers.

  • Re : How many support sailors will i need on bb2 bb3 and bb4 levels?

    02. 28. 2006 14:07

Not exactly what i wanted to know ;)
Ok so how many support slots are on ise/nagato/yamato (i know fuso has one more support
than ise) but that's all.
Also will it be very important to hit 900 sd on yamato level since my restorers are
definitly not uber (10 point base stat)

  • Re : How many support sailors will i need on bb2 bb3 and bb4 levels?

    02. 28. 2006 10:13

Depends on what you want, if those 2 Restorers are real good, you still have the
possibility of 900 sd in yammy

  • Re : How many support sailors will i need on bb2 bb3 and bb4 levels?

    02. 28. 2006 09:48

You can have as much as you want depending on your playing style, speed stack
get 6 engineers etc. be creative on what you can do with support, japanese
seamens don't seem to be up to other nations standards, id just ditch that guy and
add another repairer or something.

To be prepared you need at least 6-7+ or more depending on your style, More
engineers if you like speed, more restores and repairs if you want to keep yourself
alive longer. But if you want a balanced support backbone 2 restores 2 repair and 2
enginners + a pilot will fill yamatos 7 support slot