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  • some pointers for mogami CV

    10. 29. 2005 17:05

so anyone?

any help is appreciated, im a nub :D

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    11. 30. 2005 02:11

Hi all,

how is the exp gain on a mog cv?
In my hosho i gain 1100exp in good games, so what was your best epx in mog cv?


  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    11. 04. 2005 13:52


i need people who used it before... by the time you get there i will have probably
whored up a neut for Junyo :)

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    11. 04. 2005 01:32

Nope im almost at tht lvl ill tell you when im there....good luck

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    11. 03. 2005 20:02

beating on oydos are fun :)

the only good thing i see about mogami CV is that while oydo gets bitched by the host, i enjoy
immunity to some degree lol

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    11. 01. 2005 22:41

I thought it was 60 space..but o well.

I guess with the Mog CV I think you should play it more like a real CV than an Ise
CV. For that I guess it would be a good idea for you to stay closer to the edge than
normal CV2+. Reason being you have limited plane space but high tactical, hence
taking in the negatives of both flattops and the Oyodo. Since flats have more space
so letting them better protect themselves and Oyos have low tactical letting them be
more or less expendable ships.

So for you, you have two good options to do:

1. support CV (fighter): you're the guy with all fighters shooting the scouts, dbs and
tbs (also maybe low level fighters in 1s or 2s). You also help out against DDs/CLs
and maybe CAs since you can mount decent guns/torps.

2. support CV (bomber): you're the guy that gets to pick on CLs/CAs and (though
not advised) DDs, especially ones that are disrupting your team's frontline forces
(Kitas, CAs, CLs, Z99s, etc.). With this role, you keep the enemies from taking out
your frontline forces, which relieves stress from your team's primary CV force, not
only that, your efforts also allow your team to push into enemy territory and
commence the crunching that usually ends up with a victory for you and your
remaining teammates.

Hope that helps.

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    11. 01. 2005 20:05

yes a bomber takes up 100 space, a fighter takes up 50 space (the basic JP models
that is)

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    11. 01. 2005 18:04


some dude chose to bomb me instead of that seyditz beside me lol, he said he
never bomb a mogami CV before -.-

but anyways, you can carry 12 planes? i can only carry 11, 4 fighters and 7 bombers.
is bomber heavier or something?

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    11. 01. 2005 17:48

That was my Mog CV that took down all those DDs (2 Didos that game too). Its a
wierd ship to play. I usually start in the back like a CV. I carry 6 fighters (2 pilots),
6DB. I might go with 2 more fighters and one less DB. When planes are gone
(which happens a lot when facing real CVs), I play as a CA. I get fighters up and out
front first, then do some DB runs. The nice thing about the Mog CV is that you can
make money any way you like - DBing, gunning, torping or shooting down planes
with fighters all with the same ship.

I use the 8 inch EDs. I don't go looking for other ships, so I don't need range, and
since the guns are used primarily for defending myself, I like the faster ROF the Ds
have. I use heavy HE for bigger holes in targets. Usually when I'm shooting at
other ships, its because the've gotten through the light forces in front of me. That's
where I got all those DDs. I try and turn into my target and close the range as fast
as possible. The bow guns can sink a full health DD in 2 salvos if you hit with
enough shells. I've sunk CAs with them before. No one expects you in a CV to rush
a CA. You HAVE to make sure you have no planes landing when you're close to
enemy ships though, they get shot down automatically.

I use torps for self defence, always have - I went the gun route.

Lots of deck, bulge. 1 repair, 1 restore. I might go with bulkhead instead of deck -
any ideas from people?

Its a wierd ship to use - you need to concentrate on guns or planes, its tough to do
both. You make good money for gunning.

One last thing...since you have a rare ship, everyone goes for you. People bypass
more valuable targets to shoot at me all the time. And that's everyone from BBs to

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    10. 31. 2005 08:16

chiddler...lvl my hosho bo and get mog cv with it :P, then u can use mog cv

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    10. 30. 2005 00:05

I wish i had a mog cv.

It'll be like, you're dueling with another CL, and then you just send your planes and
bomb the sucker. If he dodges, he would've spent all that time concentrating on
dodging, so you land an extra 2k dp worth of shelling in his hull
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