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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • some pointers for mogami CV

    10. 29. 2005 17:05

so anyone?

any help is appreciated, im a nub :D

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    10. 29. 2005 18:53

I saw a Mog CV once use it's guns to great effect. It took down with it's guns(no torps)
like 6-7 dds that came at it, which probably won the match.

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    10. 29. 2005 18:52

i already bought the CV

oydo is better i think but i did it cuz not many people have a mogami CV :)

but what i meant was like plane loadouts, strategy, ship settings, crew settings etc

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    10. 29. 2005 18:34

It think the problem with cruiser/cv hybrid is that their position in the battle line is
completely different. If you are an CV, you want to be hidden, and having CAP shooting
down any scout ASAP. If the enemy bomber have to spend half an minute to find you, you
get alot better chance of intercepting them, not to say the ships a head of you can spot
for planes too. However, if you are behind the fleet, from from direct visual contact
with surface ships, the gun and torpedos of the cruiser is useless.

If you are using guns and torps on the CV, either the game has attrition down to the last
few ships, or you've lost anyways. Even with mogami CV's big guns, it can really only
take on 2 decent DD at once at most, which is petty rare sistuation to begin with (its
either an swarm or solo boat) if your team provides minimum escort.

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    10. 29. 2005 18:20

um... dont waste ur money on it?

if ur going cv route buy the hosho, if ur going bb rout and u need to cv buy the much
cheaper oyodo

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    10. 29. 2005 17:37

edit: i meant mogami CV lol
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