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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • some pointers for mogami CV

    10. 29. 2005 17:05

so anyone?

any help is appreciated, im a nub :D

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    01. 14. 2006 00:59

If u think the mogami CV is great wait till the ise CV. Its a kita,hosho and myoko all
rolled in 1. They make TW oyodos look like children's toys with i think 5 or more torp
spots per side

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    01. 13. 2006 15:00

mine was sold a lonnnnng time ago lol

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    01. 13. 2006 14:10

I had a mog cv for a quiet long time and i loved it , it is only great in cv vs all games
becuz in A W games u always get bombed first .
My setup was
: crew : 2 db , 1 scout , repairer , 1 gunner and some other sailors.
: guns : with 136 gunspace on each turret it easily fits all versions of 8'' Type 3E.
: planes : i used 9 db and 2 scout for cv v all in A W u need more fighter than db.
: ur role : use the mog cv to protect the unarmed cvs with your guns.

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    01. 13. 2006 06:06

I have seen one on PoW and it did quite well, but I think the Player would have
done better with a normal CV.

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    01. 13. 2006 05:54

I really want to see a mog CV... never seen one and i play since PoW opened, almost.
Then again, I play mostly CL CA...

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    12. 01. 2005 15:18

dont diss

its higher lvl than your lvl 46 hosho lol

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    12. 01. 2005 15:00

all i know is that ship sux ass, it holds what like 10 planes? lol!

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    12. 01. 2005 14:52


i only have 1 fighter and a lvl 60 DB

so im not as efficient as you when it comes to loading planes fast :P

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    12. 01. 2005 08:49

Hey mix, with my mogami CV i use 3 fighter pilots and 2 bombers with 5 fighters and
7bombers onboard, this usually works pretty well with the CV side of it and i use the
triple 6.1" D as guns because og the dmg and quick reload time of them.
My armour is 1.1" deck and 1" belt with 6 bulk.

Hope this helps

  • Re : some pointers for mogami CV

    11. 30. 2005 13:59

im not the best CV player

best exp so far was 1099exp on BO
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