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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 04. 2005 04:32


i have a lvl 34 B.O with 2 gnuners lvl 31 & 35.

Im actually using the double 6"50L, but they are too heavy, i can get a full crew...

The 5"50 are really less heavy, do you think its better to get full crew with smaller
caliber or bigger caliber with half-crew (like 80-100 (recrues+experts) per sailor)

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 06. 2005 08:14

Always max out your crew, that way you will gain more experts.

As for the Tsukikei, here's how I outfit mine - and it works up a charm!

5 x dual 5.5L - longer range. 4 binds of HE (heavy) shells per each gun emplacement

BO + 2 gunners + repairman/pilot

No armour.

It leaves you with a moderately fast Tsuk (38/50) that is capable of dishing out something
around 2500 damage per shot... if well aimed ;)


  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 06. 2005 05:21

I love my Tsukikei. There are all kinds of ways to set up. At first I put duel 4 x 5.5
mounts and I also put an AA gun. I hung out with big boys and shot down planes
left and right just for fun and quick points. Plus they love you for it. When I went to
5x 5.5 and I joined DD war rooms, everyone attacked my ass first, especially all the
german schmucks...they don't like the speedy Japanese. I'm only lvl 24 across the
board right now, but I've been kicking tail with this ship.
My question is, should you max out your crews. I generally carry something like 10
expt and 30 recuits. Is that not enough?

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 04. 2005 06:21

Well, i finally choosed 6"50D version, with these guns, i can have full crew + 2 bnids
+ 2 sailors to lvl in support slots.

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 04. 2005 05:12

Use the 6"D's, they have decent range but dont get in a ranged gun fight with one of the
new DD's. With my lvl 41 BO and my 2 lvl 32 gunners (Full crews no one in support slots) I
can get 2 binds of ammo. The 5's have better reload but they deal crappy damage.
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