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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 04. 2005 04:32


i have a lvl 34 B.O with 2 gnuners lvl 31 & 35.

Im actually using the double 6"50L, but they are too heavy, i can get a full crew...

The 5"50 are really less heavy, do you think its better to get full crew with smaller
caliber or bigger caliber with half-crew (like 80-100 (recrues+experts) per sailor)

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    01. 12. 2006 01:58

Can you really fit 1.1inches of armour on a tsukikei ?
That with or without full crews ?

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 29. 2005 02:17

I use the 5xdual 6"L and less recruits

That really annoys DD's cuz I stay at range and clobber them.
(like i really want to eat your torps??)

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 28. 2005 18:06

5.5" D w/ 3Bind HE Hvy
1.8" armor
DD III Normal

I've found that with setup, I run about 37/46, and that I can easily take on DDX 1v1 and
come out on top with moderate amount of damage (skill lvl depending), z99, two at a time
(again skill depending) and a great share of smaller ships. The fast reload gives me more
shots compared to the 6", and helps a great deal as far as dealing with CL. This setup
works great against the annoying Dido/Sirius, and even better against Atlantas. you could
always drop the armor though in favor of a DD III HVY eng, more crew or longer range weps
(5.5" L)

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 28. 2005 16:59

If i use 5 duel 6" would i be able to hold a full crew?

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 28. 2005 16:59

If i use 5 duel 6" would i be able to hold a full crew?

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 11. 2005 16:09

I use 5.5 N with 3 binds heavy and 3 binds light he , i think that this is the best
setup for tsuskikei.

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 11. 2005 15:43

Bump on request

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 09. 2005 16:13

Remember - even a very skilled aiming person will have a hard time tracking down
an elusive DD - block shots cannot harm you if they cannot touch you ;)

Therefore, get the 5.5s and dont worry about armour - build up your speed instead.
The range on those babies is enough to keep you well out of range of torps etc, and
they are powerful enough to put a dent in any CL.

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 08. 2005 10:42

Listen to Walex.

Japs always are knocked because they have an inferior gun line, but if you use your
range properly in a Tsukikei, you can really piss off the Z99 and DDX owners who
think they're so hot. I played my Tsukikei mostly in DD only games and could really
dish it out. Once you get into the DD/CL rooms, you'd better know what you're
doing, or a Brooklyn or Edinburgh will tear you to shreds.

  • Re : How to fit the Tsukikei ?

    11. 08. 2005 09:57

I find that there are really only two ways to outfit the Tsukikei, one is as a gun
ship, then we are talking the 5.5" Ds or as an antiaircraft platform, which I use the
4.7" DP gun.
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