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Imperial Japanese Navy



    11. 09. 2005 10:20

Yess...I have done it I have made my mogami Cl into an AW!
Now some of you must be saying to themselves "F**cking haxor noob..he knows
not what he says" has been tested in battle... I have 15 Bulkhead, 4" of Belt and 1.9" of
How did I do this you ask? I shall tell you, 1st I gave my self the smallest engine
that was still practical, CA I (Light). Next I bought 7.9 B D's and equipped it with
only 3 binds. After that I took off any non important sailors and put 1 repair man, 1
lvl 42 1st Seaman and 1 restorer. My soft defense is around 180...
Now after I did this, my ship was incredibly slower but a moving juggernaut...and it
takes a while to find the right armor config. For example, I tried putting more deck
on that belt, but that didnt work b/c Mog can't hold too much deck armor. Also this
armor is nothing against HA and British CA, york for ex. However it does piss off
other CL 2s and makes CL 1s quiver in fearrr!!!! lol

Ok ok,now you can flame all you want about how I am stupid and retarted and
whatever... but i really dont care.. I like my armor makes me feel all warm
and fuzzy inside!


  • Re : IT LIVES!!! JAP AW!

    11. 09. 2005 21:02

If only you could up the bulge and ram other ships....

  • Re : IT LIVES!!! JAP AW!

    11. 09. 2005 18:28

hehe, I was actually jsut thinking of adding that. I shall rephrase by saying IN OTHER
CASES, armoling my be ok, but we're tlaking jap here. you'll probably do much better
thinking about speed and other things, instead of armor, sinnce jap has wrost, heaviest,
and most expensive armor I beleve. bulge is best though.

  • Re : IT LIVES!!! JAP AW!

    11. 09. 2005 17:38

im sorry but forcing armor whoring IJN ships really dont work

with lesser room for armor and low structual rating, a moderatly armored sirus or
brook would kill you.

AW mogami is kinda like wasting a good ship so you can bitch slap a dido for being
more of an armor whore than him.

you could of slap some silly mpro around ya know -.-

  • Re : IT LIVES!!! JAP AW!

    11. 09. 2005 15:52

Well, looking at my gunners, i'd say i'm going Hipper line.....

Besides, even if inferior.....the historical ships appeal to me!

  • Re : IT LIVES!!! JAP AW!

    11. 09. 2005 15:14

there are 3 ways to outfit your ship:

Focus on speed.

Focus on armor.

a "balance."

You choose your style. If yo don't mind being slow and liek the armor, tha'ts fine; I'd
have y fubu in the early days and some of the Z-ships heavy o nthe armor; I'd have liek 35
knot speed but my armor made lots of shells just bounec off; even cl guns did little
damage. I used my z52 and Z99 in a more blaance way though, with a decent sped dbut stil
larmored, but balance is hard to find. Fubu is my TW so mainly speed on that one.

Having esperience with DDs of all three ocnfigs, slow and armored, fast but weak, or
balanced,m I can jsut sya, whatever works for you. You just might have to change your
battle tactics and bit to fit the stlye you have chosen due to your config.

  • Re : IT LIVES!!! JAP AW!

    11. 09. 2005 14:27

the person who said it to me was a friend from school lol

its diddo :) the pokemon that is

  • Re : IT LIVES!!! JAP AW!

    11. 09. 2005 14:25

"your the 2nd person today who said diddo(ditto) to me, and told me they arent
talking about the pokemon lol"

lol ^_^ must be your avatar :P

did i spell it wrong?
i thought both were ditto...

  • Re : IT LIVES!!! JAP AW!

    11. 09. 2005 14:11

you know steel

your the 2nd person today who said diddo(ditto) to me, and told me they arent talking about
the pokemon lol

  • Re : IT LIVES!!! JAP AW!

    11. 09. 2005 13:54

ditto(no mix, not the pokemon :P) what mix said

  • Re : IT LIVES!!! JAP AW!

    11. 09. 2005 13:53

mogami CL is all about speed -.-"

at your rate i can have you chase me all around the map and wont be able to harm me
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