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  • Our chances in NF lottery: a post that ends all posts

    10. 28. 2005 11:31

I am sick of people speculating what the chance of winning the NF lottery. So may I
make a post that ends all posts. Mod, please sticky this so that people will stop
asking what's the chance, what's the chance.

We have to pick 6 numbers out of 45, so the probability of winning for each ticket is:
1 out of ( 45 choose 6 ) = 1 / 8145060

Let's say everyone in the community participate in lottery, and we made
arrangements so that no two persons pick the same set of numbers (This maximizes
the chance of us winning). Assuming 5000 participants, and each can buy three
tickets. The chance of a win for each lottery game is (5000 * 3 ) / 8145060

Let'e say TeamNF runs a lottery each week. The chance of no one winning within 3
years is: [1 - (5000 * 3 ) / 8145060] ^ ( 52 * 3 ) = 75%
** Here, I assumed that the result of each lottery is independent of the results of
other lottery games. This is a valid assumption unless TeamNF cheats the lottery.
Also, there are 52 weeks in a year.

The expected time to the first win is given by 1/p, where p is probability of each
success. Please refer to the chapter on Bernoulli process in any statistics textbook.
** As calculated before. The chance of someone winning in any given lottery game is
(5000 * 3 ) / 8145060. So p = (5000 * 3 ) / 8145060

Expected time to a win = 8145060 / (5000*3) games = 543 games = 10.4 years.
** expected time to a win = average time to a win

The expected payout is then 543 * 10 vets = 5430 vets, and a shit-load of credits.

In conclusion, no one is expected to win within 10 years. By the time someone wins,
the prize is so huge that TeamNF is not expected to honor the deal anyway.

TeamNF either has to cheat the lottery to make someone win, or.....

  • Re : Our chances in NF lottery: a post that ends all posts

    10. 29. 2005 12:20

battery -

I greatly appreciate what you have done here. However, I disagree with your base
number of 8145060, and would like to know how you came up with this number.
Following your reply, I will explicate my disagreement, if indeed it still exists.

  • Re : Our chances in NF lottery: a post that ends all posts

    10. 29. 2005 12:04

People won't continue to gamble unless they see someone actually wins. Why do
you think casinos have slot machines that spit out coins slowly and loudly?

  • Re : Our chances in NF lottery: a post that ends all posts

    10. 29. 2005 11:57

Well you have a good point battery, but in the end isnt the "crapy reward" what
really maters??
Plus people do love to gamble. what do we have to lose right?

  • Re : Our chances in NF lottery: a post that ends all posts

    10. 29. 2005 11:51

Like the game itself, the NF forum is based entirely on grinding and crappy rewards.

  • Re : Our chances in NF lottery: a post that ends all posts

    10. 29. 2005 00:24

the sad thing is that I actually understand the math here... stupid probability and
stats class... I was wrong originally thinking it was 1 in 5 billion, but 1 in 8 million
sounds a lot better, even if its realistically still 0.

  • Re : Our chances in NF lottery: a post that ends all posts

    10. 28. 2005 22:09

hmm, maybe if u didn't have to be lvl 11 it wouldn't be so bad, maybe reduce it to lvl
6? i know it wouldn't reduce the odds, but at least more people would be playing
the lotto, would also cut back on the spamming a bit.

  • Re : Our chances in NF lottery: a post that ends all posts

    10. 28. 2005 18:10

People who plays the NF lottery do so because they are curious. I am afraid NF
lottery will be a long-forgotten feature within 2 months.

  • Re : Our chances in NF lottery: a post that ends all posts

    10. 28. 2005 17:35

oi oi oi

man.....lottery is lottery......every body knows that the change is little...but........they
all have faith................everybody like to gamble.........

  • Re : Our chances in NF lottery: a post that ends all posts

    10. 28. 2005 17:29

I think they are trying to encourage people to visit the forums thru this lottery thing.
It also encourages people to post a lot. But just like in the past, TeamNF has failed
again to think before they do. If they had spent even one minute to consider the
possible flaws of the lottery and forum points system....

  • Re : Our chances in NF lottery: a post that ends all posts

    10. 28. 2005 17:09

I like maths... so how come computer n3rds like TeamNF doesn't know simple things like
statistics :P I think I failed that topic :P
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